Productivity To-Do Checklist To Make The Most Of This Stay-At-Home Month
'Tis the season of staying at home virtually all the time for many in Singapore. Whether that idea makes you rejoice or shudder in fear, there are some things you'd might as well do this month since you have so much time on your hands and nowhere to go. After all, it's only a matter of time before you run out of Netflix shows to watch!
Keep reading to check out our checklist of productive things to get done this stay-at-home month!
#1 Spring clean
Photo from Pinterest
Since you're spending so much time at home, it helps to keep it clean and spotless. Do a thorough clean-up of your home and get in all those nooks and crannies. There are some unexpected places in your home that you might have forgotten to clean. Check out some of the most germ-infested spots in a hotel room for ideas on what you should be sanitising in your home!
#2 Sort out unwanted or spoilt things
Photo from Pinterest
Now is the time to get around to doing this tedious task. Go through all your belongings and put aside anything that's spoilt, damaged, unused or unwanted. Sort them into the things that you want to repair, give away to friends and family, donate, recycle and throw away.
#3 Organise your belongings
Photo from Pinterest
The next step is to create a practical organisational system for all your belongings. Make sure everything you use on a regular basis is easy to find at a glance and easy to access.
Organisation can be decorative and fun too! Check out some gorgeous organisers that doubles as Insta-worthy displays for your makeup, jewellery, skincare and perfume.
#4 Decorate
Photo from Pinterest
Now comes the fun part! You may not necessarily need to purchase new things to decorate your home. You can always move things around or swap items with your family members or housemates to freshen up your room. Check out some of our wall decor ideas and tips on how to create a cosy corner for relaxing and 'me' time!
Once you're done with these first three things, your home will feel like a wonderful haven! Even the most extroverted person who is itching to go outside will enjoy their time at home.
#5 Brush up your cooking skills
Photo from Pinterest
For cooking experts, this is the best time to level up your skills even further! If you're not the best cook, there's plenty of time on the weekends for you to practice cooking. Try some simple and quick recipes like these breakfast dishes, avocado toast and strawberry desserts. If you're really too lazy and have zero cooking skills, you can always start with microwave mug meals that are too easy!
#6 Have a regular exercise plan
Photo from @我是YEAH老师-via-小红书
Gym closures are not an excuse to slouch around the house all day. Go jogging (alone, of course) around your HDB neighbourhood or try some of our home exercises for your abs, calves, butt and thighs. You can even do some exercises in your bed!
If you really hate exercising, check out some of our practical tips on how to overcome it and motivate yourself.
#7 Learn something new
Photo from Pinterest
Besides relieving boredom, you'll feel improved and inspired when you emerge from this stay-home period with a new skill or ability, regardless of how big or small it is.
This can be anything from learning how to solve a Rubik's cube, how to do a split or learning basic painting or drawing skills to picking up a new language. It can also be as simple as learning how to use the washing machine if your parents usually do the laundry, or to master parallel parking if that's not your forte. Set your own tiny or big goals and you'll feel a sense of purpose and accomplishment.
#8 Find new outfits
Photo from Pinterest
Many ladies (and gents, too) are guilty of this! We have some items lying in our wardrobe that has never or rarely been worn because we can't figure out how to style it. Go through all your clothes and try to create new outfits using the clothes you already have. That way, you'll be prepared with an arsenal of new outfits once it's time to go out again and you won't have to spend a cent!
#9 Arm yourself with knowledge
Photo from Pinterest
Keeping with the self-improvement theme, this is also the prime time to expand your knowledge on various topics through documentaries, books and e-books. While K-dramas and superheroes are fun, you can take a break from them once in a while to get into facts, figures and non-fiction stuff.
#10 Write letters
Photo from Pinterest
You must be missing your friends and significant other who isn't living in the same household as you! Aside from calls and texts, a handwritten letter is something so endearing and sweet that will mean a lot to the receiver.
This serves as a good motivation to improve your handwriting and brush up your writing skills and poetry writing. You can also find quotes online to embellish your letters. This is can also be a creative exercise if you challenge yourself to find different ways to fold your letters, send your own drawings or simply decorate with stickers and tapes.
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Text by: GirlStyle SG