Singapore Influencer Brutally Drags Ton Of Men Who Make Fun Of Her Flat Chest & Send Gross DMs
Like any other social media influencer or public figure, Chrysan Lee of Singaporean YouTube channel Wah!Banana receives a flurry of attention on a daily basis - and unfortunately, this also includes nasty comments from haters and those attempting to drag others down just for the sake of it. Specifically, she’s been the subject of many a joke regarding her flat chest, and the pint-sized 26-year-old has had enough.
In a 9-frame Instagram post and a couple of IG stories, Chrysan brutally calls out the hundreds of men who have the audacity to publicly comment on her small tatas, and even goes so far as to unveil some of their identities for the public to see. She also gives us a glimpse of the unsolicited disgusting direct messages (DMs) she receives from thirsty men every so often.
Read on to find out more about what Chrysan Lee has to say to these men!
Rude comments made about Chrysan Lee’s chest
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
For those who don’t know, Chrysan is best known for being a Wah!Banana actress, but also wears many other hats in the company, where she does script writing, HR, and talent management on top of her screen appearances. Take a quick scroll through her Instagram page, and you’ll find quite a handful of bikini shots, as well as OOTDs of her in dresses and tops with low necklines.
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
Somehow, others - mostly men - have deemed it okay to publicly comment on her (lack of) frontal assets and below is just a glimpse of the kind of remarks she receives on an regular basis, especially when she posts photos and videos of herself wearing the type of clothing she loves on Instagram and TikTok.
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
One of the most common ones? Likening her chest to an “airport runway”, and other flat surfaces like flooring, tables, and washing boards. Other comments include the sentiment that she doesn’t need to wear a bra or bralette to cover herself because she’s not well-endowed.
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
Some have even gone so far as to call her a “cross dresser” and say that she has a “man[‘s] body”.
Uncalled for, really.
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
Chrysan herself took the trouble to go through and pick out some of the comments, compiling them into multiple collages to illustrate the extent of body shaming she’s endured.
Chrysan reveals the faces & identities of guys who insulted her
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
Instead of letting all the negativity and toxicity get to her, Chrysan pulled the ultimate power move - she called the culprits out. In her Instagram story, she chastised those who deleted their initial comments, and whom participate in “dirty” misogynistic chat groups that presumably discuss women’s bodies.
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
But that’s not all. She even sought out some of these a-holes to show everyone their TikTok profiles, saying “Let’s see how some of them look like, shall we?” Savage, we like.
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
Oops, caught red-handed. Now everyone knows the kind of stuff these guys do in their free time. Wonder if their mothers are proud of them? ?
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
Disgusting unsolicited DMs in Chrysan's inbox
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
On the other end of the spectrum - but still very much of the same breed - are guys who slide into her DMs in sad attempts to strike up conversations of a sexual nature. One even messaged her saying that her photos in revealing outfits were “giving [him] effects”, and he thus sought permission to pleasure himself to them.
Feigning politeness, he continued, saying “I will only do so if u are agreeable”.
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
Obviously, not receiving any replies didn’t deter him from doing the unmentionable, as seen in the last message in the screenshot. Yuck.
Get a grip, guys.
What Chrysann has to say: “I f***ing love my small boobs”
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
The last 3 panels of Chrysan’s Instagram carousel are paragraphs of expletive-laden text, angrily calling out the disgusting behaviour she’s not only witnessed, but been subject to, one too many times.
Part of the post reads, "Don't you f***ing pieces of sh*t dare body shame women. Don't you ever tell women what to wear, how we should look and what we are. You do not get to degrade us."
She challenges them, saying, "Own it the next time you do this. Use your legitimate profiles, show your faces and openly criticize women's bodies with the same audacity and arrogance. Show the world, your family and friends the kind of person that you are."
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
She then addresses fellow females in similar situations, offering support and encouragement for those who feel insecure about their bodies due to being on the receiving end of such degrading comments.
“If you find the need to change something about your body on your own accord, sure. But never for others and [scum] like that. Never let them influence you, [and let you think] that your body type is 'not right' or shameful...We were not born for anybody to abuse, or to be trampled."
Well said, gurl.
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
The caption of the post in question also sings the same tune.
“Shame. Do you see how ugly their personalities are?” she begins.
“I f***ing love my small boobs and my body, and I am proud of the way I was born and given.” she asserts with unapologetic confidence.
Chrysan says that she will continue leaving her TikTok comments open so everyone can see “how low some men can be” - which is already considered mild compared to the stuff she allegedly receives in her private inbox, with frightening statements such as, “I am going to r*pe you”.
Photo from @chrysanlee via Instagram
While Chrysan seems unperturbed by the comments, any decent human being would know that what these guys have done is downright rude and disrespectful. We applaud Chrysan for her courage and self-assuredness, and hope that her candid sharing of her experience will help make the internet a kinder place.
Check out Chrysan’s original post on the issue here.
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Text by: GirlStyle SG