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S'pore Actress Jaime Teo Admits To Underpaying Her Twelve Cupcakes Foreign Staff Of $98,900

S'pore Actress Jaime Teo Admits To Underpaying Her Twelve Cupcakes Foreign Staff Of $98,900

Hot Topics Celebrity News
By Rachel Yohannan on 09 Feb 2021
Senior Digital Editor
Crazy cat lady who loves afternoon tea, kawaii Japanese fashion, and all things Sanrio.

Twelve Cupcakes needs no introduction - their confections are a popular pick when it comes to birthday celebrations and surprise treats. And Singaporeans are no stranger to the fact that the business was founded by ex-couple Daniel Ong and Jaime Teo, local artistes who were married (now divorced) at the time of its conception.

Unfortunately, it has come to light that the company has underpaid their foreign staff. On 4 February 2021, Jaime pleaded guilty to the charges pressed against her in court.

Read on to find out more about Jaime Teo’s Twelve Cupcakes’ salary lapses.

Twelve Cupcakes Jaime Teo Daniel Ong chargedPhoto from Twelve Cupcakes

Twelve Cupcakes was founded in 2011 by former beauty queen Jaime Teo and her then-husband, DJ Daniel Ong. They first started out with a humble outlet at Novena with just 2 staff, but have since expanded to over 40 locations.

Twelve Cupcakes Jaime Teo Daniel Ong chargedPhoto from @jmeteo via Instagram

Jaime and Daniel wed in 2007, had their only daughter Renee in 2010, but divorced in 2016. Shortly after the divorce, Jaime and Daniel sold their Twelve Cupcakes business to Dhunseri Group, an Indian tea company.

Twelve Cupcakes Jaime Teo Daniel Ong chargedPhoto from @daniel_ong_singapore via Instagram

However, it has been found that there have been multiple incidents of underpayment to their foreign staff during their time as Directors of the company between 2013 to 2016.

According to reports, at least 7 of their staff were given a lower salary than they were supposed to receive, with a particular pastry chef receiving $1,600 per month instead of $2,300. These were not one-off incidents, and carried on for years.

The total amount of salary owed is said to be $98,900.

Twelve Cupcakes Jaime Teo Daniel Ong chargedPhoto from Twelve Cupcakes

It is understood that Jaime did not deal with Twelve Cupcakes’ HR, admin, and operations, and was also not in the loop when it came to staff employment details. However, she admitted to neglect while the company was in her hands.

Daniel has also been charged, but his trial has been adjourned to February 16 2021 instead.

Twelve Cupcakes Jaime Teo Daniel Ong chargedPhoto from @jmeteo via Instagram

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