This Thai Ad Is So Touching That Millions Of People Are Now Encouraged To Treasure Their Loved Ones
How long will you love someone for?
If you've ever seen a Thai commercial or music video, you would know how powerful they are. Some are comedic while some can be so heart-wrenching they'll tug at your heartstrings again and again.
In this video, female lead Vaew shares about her 5-year love-hate relationship with Best, her boyfriend who suddenly passed on without warning.
The video has since garnered over 2 million views. Read on to find out what happened!
Through the 5 years they've been together, Vaew's seen the ugliest sides to Best.
He snores loudly.
He is 'disgusting'.
He has 'low tastes' and is crude.
He just indirectly called Vaew a bitch #lol!
He's cheesy and love jerk jokes.
But despite all these, she loved him. And having been together for 5 years, it was hard to come to terms with the fact that he's gone forever.
Life without him was nothing but... silence. And the silence was deafening. She tried ways and means to get over him...
But nothing helped. Not even alcohol or meditation.
There were 101 things they planned to do and places to go together but now that he's gone, these are just a list of things that will never happen.
Just as Vaew was looking at Best's Facebook for the 88th time, she realised something: Nink Nichaporn, a girl she never knew existed in his life, (at least for the past 5 years they've been together) kept 'liking' all of his posts.
As girls, it's only natural that we think of one thing whenever we see messages like this. Vaew then went on a rampage and all sorts of thoughts ran through her mind:
Who exactly is this girl?
Did he cheat on me?
She then turned on his laptop, went to Facebook and started looking through his messages with Nink. It was obvious this girl was interested in Best. She would ask things like "How was your first day at work?", "Good night to you" etc.
Has he been cheating on me all this while? Can I still believe that what we had was real?
It'd probably be hard to believe but just at this moment, she saw that Best had sent her this:
"I think we should stop this. I'm proposing to my girlfriend soon."
She wondered to herself: Wow. Propose? That's easy to say. He didn't even remember our 5th anniversary.
Just then, she remembered the day he wore this shirt: Up.
She then thought about the huge fight they had that day- which happens to be one day after their 5th anniversary: She thought he was careless, childish and ignorant.
Vaew even questioned if Best still love her after living together for 5 years.
But it was on that day when he wanted to propose to her.
After this realisation, all the good memories they shared started coming to her.
The times when they cooked together.
The times when he took care of her when she was sick.
The times they spent adventuring the city and outskirts.
The simple moments they had in the embrace of each other. They were the best.
So what can we learn from this episode?
Treasure your loved ones and don't let a day go by where you don't tell them you love them. Even when times are tough, don't let anger cloud the love you have for your significant other.
And if there's someone you thought of after you've read this couple's story, tell them you love them. Don't hesitate. Live each moment as if it's your last. Cliche, yes. But you know it's true.
Watch the full video here:
Tag someone you love and tell them how much you love them! x
Text by: Girlstyle SG