Nina Tan Shares Alopecia Update, Her Treatment Involves Injections, Meds, Swelling & Other Difficulties
It’s been almost a month since Nina Tan of Night Owl Cinematics (NOC) fame has openly shared about her hair loss issues on social media, a brave move that has had tons of fans sending her words of encouragement. Yesterday, she provided a little update about her recovery process, during which she gave a glimpse into her treatment.
Read on to find out more about Nina Tan’s alopecia recovery journey!
Photo from @ninatsf via Instagram
Taking to Instagram once again, Nina Tan, who is now reportedly no longer with NOC - following the exit of her cousin Ryan Tan and ex-colleague Aiken Chia - has revealed that she is confirmed to have alopecia. This is the same condition that Jada Pinkett-Smith is suffering from, which was brought to more awareness after that infamous Will Smith/Chris Rock slap incident.
It’s been two months since Nina has been diagnosed with this medical condition that’s causing her balding, and she’s very transparent about the fact that she’s been on an emotional roller coaster throughout this recovery process.
Photo from @ninatsf via Instagram
“Some days I’m okay, some days I’m not and I don’t wanna pretend to be all good. I loved my long ass hair and I even thought about shaving my whole head.”
Photo from @ninatsf via Instagram
She goes on to say that between the hair loss, and her treatment which involves scalp injections, swelling, headaches, and medication, this whole experience has been “quite disheartening”.
“I know it’s just hair…but this entire period is just frustrating. Really thankful for my close circle who have been nothing but supportive [especially] on my down days.”
Photo from @ninatsf via Instagram
After getting advice from various doctors, Nina chose to go with Clifford Aesthetics and is currently getting treatment under a Doctor Gerard Ee. She says he’s been the “most kind and gentle”, telling her to focus on recovery while making monthly check-ins with her.
Clifford Aesthetics is the same clinic that influencer Nicole Choo went to for her recent boob job. (Read all about it here!)
Photo from @ninatsf via Instagram
While Nina’s bald patches are still spreading, her results have surpassed whatever she expected them to be, based on what she has read online. She seems optimistic, and says she will continue to give updates on her recovery progress as many others out there are going through the same situation.
Nina dedicated a paragraph of her Instagram post to thank the hundreds of people who sent her encouraging messages and even shared personal experiences and photos of their own journey with alopecia. She admits that she doesn’t really reply to DMs these days, mainly because she’s “not good with words for now”, but nonetheless, she feels comforted and extremely grateful to everyone who has shown her concern and tried to make her feel better.
Photo from @ninatsf via Instagram
To quote Nina, “Baby steps baby hair ftw”. We hope Nina manages to keep her spirits up and regain her luscious locks soon!
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Text by: GirlStyle SG