Anonymous Instagram Account @sgcickenrice Reveals His Identity, Says He "Felt Obligated To Speak Up"
For those intently following the Night Owl Cinematics saga, one of the burning questions we have on our minds is – who is @sgcickenrice? On 29 October, the admin of the infamous account that leaked incriminating series of group chat texts between NOC employees revealed his identity.
Read on to find out the identity of @sgcickenrice!
Photo from @baerendang via Instagram
Photo from @baerendang via Instagram
In a 9-page Instagram post by user @baerendang, 20-year-old student Brandon admitted to being the admin of anonymous Instagram account @sgcickenrice. The post detailed his motivations and intent to address the questions directed at him to the "best of [his] ability".
Photo from @baerendang via Instagram
Brandon shared that he started @sgcickenrice in September after witnessing how his friends, who were employees of NOC were "treated". He had also seen NOC's Glassdoor reviews and realised that the experiences his friends had at NOC were not unique to them but "has been happening for years".
Photo from @baerendang via Instagram
While Brandon wasn't an employee of NOC, he felt that he had "a moral obligation to speak up and shed light on these issues that have plagued employees". He further explained that at first, the account only took the side of employees but subsequently "went after BOTH Ryan and Sylvia" as things unfolded.
Photo from @baerendang via Instagram
Photo from @baerendang via Instagram
"The goal was simple – to demand fair wages, timely payment, and equitable treatment," Brandon said. He noted that he found himself becoming a "pawn" and that many were "mere collateral damage in a fight over assets involving 2 powerful and rich adults".
Photo from @baerendang via Instagram
Ensuring that he'll take "full responsibility" for the actions of @sgcickenrice, Brandon pleaded with the public to "spare" the employees of NOC. He also clarified that there was "no hacking or access to information on [their] end" and that the information he received was "released to the public at the same time".
Photo from @baerendang via Instagram
In his statement, Brandon also noted that others have stepped up to share their experiences with "less than ideal bosses" and that the workplace issues faced by employees of NOC were "not uncommon".
Photo from @baerendang via Instagram
Brandon ended his statement reiterating that we have "a duty and moral obligation to speak up" on such issues "even if [they might not] affect us personally.
His statement came after Xiaxue uploaded a TikTok video on her speculations of the identity of @sgcickenrice. Check out her video here.
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Text by: GirlStyle SG