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By Crystal on 26 Jan 2019
Senior Digital Editor
不喜歡規則式生活、沒有潔癖的處女座C編。 希望妳的每個日常裡,都能與美好不期而遇。






胡佳琪在追思会之前在instagram Stories发文道「我很开心,刚刚多了Father、Mother、大哥大嫂、二哥二嫂;你小瓜的身份,我来替了」,并要大家此后称她为冯太太、冯嫂。她也希望已离开人世的冯伟衷不必担心,「你家,我会替你好好照顾」。

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此外,她还发动态感谢关心她及冯伟衷家人的朋友们,希望大家以正面能量去欢送、怀念冯伟衷,并强调「请别一直叫我坚强(stay strong)、和我说对于我失去了他深表难过(sorry for your lost);我知道他现在已经去了另一个更棒的世界」。

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✨#yingfashioncanvas ✖️#AloysiusPang ✖️#JayleyWoo And in my darkest hours, where there is no silver lining in sight, you are the one who taught me to smile and shine in hope. • It is with the heaviest heart to accept the fact of this young actor @aloypang who was died of severely injures during his reservist in New Zealand. Can’t believe that he is about the same age with me and he has gone forever as a fallen soldier... It triggered me so much as every Singaporean son around us have to go through the cycle to defend the nation. And the loss of your loved one while serving the nation is truly devastating. May there’s no more wars in the world and we don’t have to suffer tragedies like this anymore ? • Meanwhile, here’s my imagination for you @jiaqiwoo, where you’re in your fav blue and he’s in his fav black. May you stay strong still even though it’s not easy to grapple death in the face. I’m sure he is watching over you right now in the realms of paradise and forever he would be... ?? • #lovelycouples #jaysiusonthephonewithaloyley #fashionillustration #lovelife #yingfashioncanvas

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Photo Source:Instagram



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