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Make Your Own Trending Japanese Fresh Fruit Sandwich At Home In A Few Easy Steps

Make Your Own Trending Japanese Fresh Fruit Sandwich At Home In A Few Easy Steps

By Wei Yin on 29 May 2020
Digital Editor
An INFP who enjoys watching sappy Korean dramas in her free time. Good food and cute dogs are all she needs.

Japanese fruit sandwich aka fruit sando has been trending recently on social media for its aesthetically pleasing visual that looks as good as it tastes.

If you are bored of sweet treats like dalgona coffee, pancake cereal and cookie cereal, fresh fruit sandwiches are the next thing to make.

Read on to find out more!

These fruit sandwiches are often found in convenience stores and cafes in Japan. The vibrant colours of the fruits sandwiched between two slices of fluffy milk bread and whipped cream will surely make you want to show them off on the 'gram.

You would think such an insta-worthy snack will require a lot of effort but it's surprisingly really easy to make!

All you need are:
- 4 slices of milk bread
- 1 cup of heavy whipping cream
- 5 teaspoons of sugar
- Your preferred fruits

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: 今日のお昼は 子供に先週から「食べたい!」と言われ続けていた ?✨いちごサンドを作りましたよ! : 家にあった苺が小粒だったので ?私がイメージしていた断面とちょっと違ったけど 堂々と出しちゃう、、これでいいのか!?笑 : 私も何とか1個だけ分けてもらった? 欲を言えばもう一個食べたかったな?笑 : #いちごサンド #苺サンド #ランチ #lunch #おうち時間 #stayhome #手作りサンドイッチ #フルーツサンド #fruitsandwich #sandwiches #strawberry #苺 #ブランチ #brunch #cotta #コッタ #cuisine_captures #pccレシピ課春まちスイーツ2020 @haruna.mnb #onthetable #札幌料理教室 #wp_deli_japan #お料理教室札幌 #delistagrammer #フーディーテーブル #デリスタグラマー #札幌 #料理教室 #料理教室札幌 #おうちカフェ #つくるたべる

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How to make:
1. Cut away the crusts on the bread for a nicer look (optional).
2. Wash the fruits.
3. Use a hand mixer to whisk the heavy whipping cream on low speed, then add sugar and whisk on high speed until the mixture becomes a creamy texture (spreadable but not runny).
4. Apply the whipped cream on both sides of the bread and place the fruits on top, preferably diagonally on the bread.
5. Spread whipped cream on any empty spaces.
6. Place another slice of bread on top and wrap the sandwich in cling wrap tightly.
6. Leave it in the refrigerator for at least an hour before removing the cling wrap and cutting the sandwich into half diagonally.

When the sandwich is cut up diagonally, the fruits will be showcased perfectly in the middle. Don't fret if your fruit sandwich doesn't turn out perfect. Try again by rearranging the fruits till you achieve your preferred look!

Fruit sandwiches make great breakfasts or desserts after a meal, so will you be making them soon? ?

Pair your fruit sandwiches with Korean-style cafe drinks that you can make at home too for the ultimate home cafe experience.

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Text by: GirlStyle SG

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