Cookie Cereal Is The Latest Homemade Food Trend Spun Off From Pancake Cereal
If you’ve already tried making the trending pancake cereal and are seeking a new challenge, it’s time to hop on the latest social media food trend: Cookie cereal.
Started by food blogger Justin Schuble (@dcfoodporn), it's basically a cookie spin-off from pancake cereal and people have been going crazy over it - likening it to Nestle's Cookie Crisp. Here’s how you can easily make it at home, with tried-and-tested tips from Justin himself.
Read on to find out how to make cookie cereal!
Photo from @dcfoodporn via Instagram
You can use any cookie recipe to create this special cereal. Justin uses chocolate chip cookies for his. Check out our Famous Amos cookie recipe if you’re looking to make something similar. This is the most recommended as the chocolate will go well with milk.
If you’re not a fan of chocolate, you can always try different variations with butter cookies, cheese cookies, or anything else you prefer. Get creative, there are no rules here!
Justin says you want to make sure all your cookie dough pieces are of equal size so that everything will bake evenly. Otherwise, the smaller ones might burn, and the larger ones may be under-baked. Such preciseness is especially crucial to take note of since the cookies are exceptionally tiny.
He recommends baking the cookies for around 7 minutes. It’s okay if they come out a little soft, as leaving them aside to cool will allow them to harden. The important thing is to make sure they do not burn.
Photo from @dcfoodporn via Instagram
Instead of dumping the whole lot into a bowl of milk, Justin suggests only putting in small quantities at a time. This helps prevent the tiny cookies from getting soggy too quickly.
He also says that these taste great with ice cream! Something to try if you’re in for a particularly sinful treat.
Photo from @pinkpudding_desserts via Instagram
People have been putting their own twists on this by using cookie cutters in different shapes, and adding toppings like rainbow sprinkles, M&Ms, and chocolate sauce.
Photo from @ludocottoncandyprincess via Instagram
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Text by: GirlStyle SG