TikTok's Trending Pancake Cereal Is The Next Thing To Make At Home After Dalgona Coffee
Dalgona coffee took the world by storm a few months back and now, pancake cereal is the newest trending thing to make at home.
Made popular by users of the social media platform TikTok, the pancake cereal trend involves putting tiny pancakes in a bowl, drenching them in maple syrup and eating them with a spoon like you would when eating a bowl of cereal.
Read on to find out more!
Just like the famed dalgona coffee, pancake cereal is relatively easy to make as well. A store-bought pancake mix will work but if you prefer making your own batter, you will only need three ingredients - flour, eggs and milk. Easy peasy!
Next, pour the batter into a piping bag or squeeze bottle, or improvise by using a transparent plastic bag and cutting the edge off to transform it into a piping bag.
Heat up a non-stick pan and squeeze small dollops of the batter onto the pan. Once the mini pancakes start bubbling, flip and toss them around in the pan until they turn slightly brown.
Let them sit in the pan for a little while more if you prefer them crispier.
Add pizzazz to your bowl of pancake cereal by adding maple syrup and butter, or even fruits for some colour. Some people add milk too, really making it look like a bowl of pancake cereal!
Photo from @yayjoon via Instagram
With nothing much to do at home because of circuit breaker, why not take some time to make your own version of pancake cereal? ?
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Text by: GirlStyle SG