Scarlett Johansson Workout Plan (Monday ~ Sunday) To Rock Black Widow's Lycra Cat Suit!
Scarlett Johansson only had 5-6 weeks to get her ready for her role as the black widow for Marvel movies. That's the duration she has to tone up and look the best.
Her personal trainer, Bobby Strom, shared how he has helped the black widow to achieve that sculpted and perfect lycra catsuit body.
Scarlett worked out 7 days a week, 90 minutes each session. She aimed to complete 3-4 sets of 25 to 30 reps at once. She commonly did either 4 circuits of 5 exercises, 2 circuits of 10 exercises, together with a vegan/paleo diet to achieve her #bodygoal.
#Monday -Total Body Circuit
15 minutes Treadmill warm-up. Sprint for 20 secs, then jogs for 40 secs. Repeat.
20 Speed Lunges
10 Reverse Lunges– alternating each leg
10 Jump Squats
10 Jump Split Squats– alternating each leg
10 Medicine Ball Slams
10 Lat Pulldown with Resistance Band
20 BOSU ball Hip Abductions (see video)
#Tuesday -Total Body Circuit
Warm-up: 15 minutes on the treadmill
Squats (4 exercises are a combo)
Bicep Curls
Shoulder Press
Front Kicks
Swiss Ball Alternating Dumbbell Chest Press
Superset with Tricep Extension
Weighted Walking Lunge with Glute Squeeze
Band Rows (alternate: use Cable Rows)
Stiff-arm Pressdowns or Butterfly Rows
#Wednesday -Core & Legs
Circuit: 3-4 sets
Warm-up: 15 minutes on the treadmill
Diagonal Walks with Mini-bands (10 sets per side)
Butterfly Steps (5-10 each direction)
Lifted Heel Squat (15 reps each side) with Tricep Kickbacks
Standing Leg Rotations (10 reps each side)
Cross-Back Lunge with Medicine Ball Pulses (6 lbs. with 3-5 reps per side)
Reverse Lunge with Dumbbell Press
Side to Side Speed Skaters
T-Push-ups (see description below)
#Thursday -Total Body Circuit (With Abs Focus)
Circuit: 2 sets of 25-30 reps:
Warm-up: 15 minutes on the treadmill
Dumbbell Squat and Press
Bicep curls into Overhead press
Pushups into Side Plank
Dumbbell Tricep Extensions (on a stability ball)
Stomach Crunches x50 (on BOSU or stability ball)
Alternating Bicycle Crunches x50 (Bosu Ball)
Plank with Knee Thrust x50 (see video below)
Reverse Crunches x50 (resistance ball)
Core Stabilizing Hip Twists x50 (see video below)
#Friday -Plyometric Circuit
Circuit: 3-4 sets (25-30 reps)
Warm-up: 15 minutes on the treadmill
Speed Lunges
Reverse Lunges– alternating each leg
Jump Squats
Jump Split Squats– alternating each leg
Kettlebell Swings
#Saturday -Muscle Building Circuit
Circuit: 3-4 sets (25-30 reps)
Warm-up: 15 minutes on the treadmill
Side Lateral Raises
Front Lateral Raises
Bicep Curls (on one leg)
Bent-Over Rows
Tricep Kickbacks
#Sunday -Total Body Circuit
Circuit: 3-4 sets (25-30 reps)
Warm-up: 15 minutes on the treadmill
Shadow Boxing (10 mins)
Speed Lunges
Jump Squats
Planks (10 reps hold 30 secs)
It's time to find a workout buddy and figure out the exercises together! A combination of fitness and well-balanced diet will indeed go a long way. Never give up your fitness goals girls.
Photo Source: Pinterest
Info from: popworkouts.com
Text By: GirlStyle SG