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366 Birthday Colours & Personality Traits Chart Is Going Viral In Japan For Its Accuracy

366 Birthday Colours & Personality Traits Chart Is Going Viral In Japan For Its Accuracy

Lifestyle Personality Quizzes & Astrology
By Karmen on 20 Mar 2021
Digital Editor
Has severe RBF but is fairly jolly and carefree on the inside. Degree of life satisfaction is heavily influenced by food.

There are two kinds of people when it comes to astrology and personality quizzes, those who find it insightful and those who think it's a testament to how humans are a lot less special than we think we are. Whichever boat you're on, there's no denying they're entertaining!

Cue the chart with 366 different colours and personality traits that's going viral in Japan.

Keep reading to find out your birthday colour and personality prediction! 

Bear in mind that these are loosely translated from Japanese so it might not be perfect, but you'll get the gist of it!

#1 January 

birthday colour personality test januraryPhoto from

#2 February 

birthday colour personality testPhoto from

#3 March

birthday colour personality test marchPhoto from

#4 April

birthday colour personality test aprilPhoto from

#5 May

birthday colour personality test mayPhoto from

#6 June

birthday colour personality test junePhoto from

#7 July

birthday colour personality test julyPhoto from

#8 August

birthday colour personality test augustPhoto from

#9 September

birthday colour personality test septemberPhoto from

#10 October

birthday colour personality test octoberPhoto from

#11 November

birthday colour personality test novemberPhoto from

#12 December

birthday colour personality test decemberPhoto from

Did your birth colour and personality trait resonate with you? Check out the full chart here.

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Text by: GirlStyle SG

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