8 Roxanne Tong Facts & Why She’s A Better Girlfriend For Kenneth Ma Than His Cheating Ex Jacqueline Wong
So, the news has already broken. A year after leaving his cheating ex-girlfriend Jacqueline Wong - who was part of the Andy Hui scandal - Hong Kong actor Kenneth Ma has found love once again with actress Roxanne Tong. The pair finally made their relationship public over the weekend after being photographed by the paparazzi.
Here’s what you need to know about Roxanne Tong, and what makes her a better girlfriend for Kenneth than his ex.
Read on to find out more about Roxanne Wong, Kenneth Ma’s new girlfriend!
#1: Roxanne replaced Jacqueline as the lead in Forensic Heroes IV - coincidence or fate?
Photo from TVB
Well well well, talk about foreshadowing. After her cheating scandal with Andy Hui, Jacqueline Wong had her role from the police drama Forensic Heroes IV cut, as the bad publicity surrounding her would mean that the show would not be able to air in China.
The show producers replaced her with none other than Roxanne. Looks like Roxanne has taken over more than just her on-screen role as reporter Chris Tsui. Yup, she bagged the man too. Coincidence or fate? You decide.
#2: Roxanne determinedly lost 4.5kg and wore Winter clothes in Summer for the Forensic Heroes IV reshoot
Photo from @roxannetong via Instagram
It’s no secret that Roxanne struggled with her new Forensic Heroes IV role at first. Apart from having trouble with her lines and not being able to deliver them on cue, she was told she needed to lose 4.5kg.
Through dieting and working out, she managed to reach her goal by the given deadline and even joked that she would be able to write a book about her weight loss journey.
On top of that, she had to endure the heat of Summer while filming in Winter clothes. The original scenes were previously shot in Winter so she had to do the same for consistency. Aside from that, she had to power through a foot injury sustained during filming but this never broke her spirit.
Looks like her efforts have paid off, as Forensic Heroes IV turned out to be a great hit. 10/10 for grit and determination!
#3: Roxanne is good friends with Jacqueline, Kenneth’s unfaithful ex-girlfriend
Photo from Mingpao
Wait, what? Yup, turns out that Roxanne and Jacqueline don’t just have their links to Kenneth in common; They’re actually friends. Good friends. And it seems like their sisterhood will not be affected.
Let’s face it, not all of us would be comfortable with our boyfriends’ exes in the picture, let alone be friends with them. But the fact that Roxanne isn’t letting the past get in the way of her present and future shows her mature mindset.
Photo from @roxannetong via Instagram
Kenneth is okay with the friendship and says that it does not make him feel awkward - which we can also interpret as saying that Jacqueline does not pose as a threat to their current romance. #thankunext
#4: Unlike with Jacqueline, Roxanne’s relationship with Kenneth was not kept hidden
Photo from @roxannetong via Instagram
Kenneth’s past relationship with Jacqueline was ironically only publicly confirmed after the cheating scandal - pretty much when it was already at its end.
Whereas with Roxanne, the relationship was made public very early - they’ve currently only been dating for around 2 months. In fact, Kenneth said that he wasn’t actively trying to hide the relationship, as both of them would regularly meet up for meals in between filming.
“We weren't hiding our relationship, so we don't find it an issue to go public after getting our pictures taken [by the press]”, he shares.
Perhaps this is a sign that Kenneth is more comfortable in this relationship, and that he takes it more seriously than his previous one.
#5: Roxanne and Kenneth already have couple plushies after just 2 months of dating
Photo from @roxannetong via Instagram
It takes a certain kind of magic for a grown 46-year-old man to indulge in cutesy things like couple stuffed toys, but that’s exactly what Kenneth and Roxanne have together. Hers is a unicorn, while his is a horse - evidently a play on his surname, which means “horse” in Chinese.
Above is a photo of their plushies which they both uploaded at the same time to confirm their relationship, with matching captions reading, “Thank you for your care”.
Kenneth and Jacqueline did have promise rings when they were still an item, but, well, obviously some promises were broken.
#6: Kenneth’s mother loves Roxanne
Photo from Jayne Stars via Pinterest
The pair have already met each other’s parents and received their blessings. In fact, Kenneth has told the press that his mum likes Roxanne a lot. And we can see why.
"She has a simple personality, laughs easily, and is very down to earth, which is similar to me," Kenneth shares, on why he’s attracted to Roxanne.
Could marriage be on the cards soon?
#7: Roxanne is a huge animal lover with pet dogs and cats
Photo from @roxannetong via Instagram
C’mon, how can anyone who’s an animal lover be a bad person? Roxanne seems to have a huge passion towards furry little critters, and has at least 4 pets of her own: A white Pug, a white Pomeranian, and 2 Ragdoll cats.
Photo from @roxannetong via Instagram
There’s even a highlight on her Instagram profile titled “Fluffy”, which she regularly updates with videos of her furkids’ adorable antics. Let’s see if she and Kenneth add more pets to their little family over time.
#8: Roxanne’s TV career is thriving, while Jacqueline had to hide in New York
Photo from TVB
While Jacqueline spent a good part of last year hiding away in the USA, Roxanne’s TV career is growing steadily. Apart from Forensic Heroes IV, she’s in at least 2 more TVB drama series: Airport Strikers and Say Lie.
The former, a drama series surrounding an airport police unit, was recently aired in Hong Kong just last month, while the latter still seems to be under production. Hopefully we’ll get to catch both shows on Netflix soon!
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Text by: GirlStyle SG