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This Bakery In Taipei, Taiwan Sells Insta-Worthy Bread That Looks Like A Deer's Horns

This Bakery In Taipei, Taiwan Sells Insta-Worthy Bread That Looks Like A Deer's Horns

Food Travel
By Wei Yin on 12 Jun 2020
Digital Editor
An INFP who enjoys watching sappy Korean dramas in her free time. Good food and cute dogs are all she needs.

Taiwan is definitely a food heaven with its array of delicious street food and interesting finds such as cakes that look like eggs, Pokemon-themed donuts and mango pomelo sago ice cream.

We also found a bakery in Taipei selling unique and insta-worthy bread that looks like a deer's horns!

Read on to find out more!

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#有種珍貴_在生命裡 你、我、他和牠都是這片土地孕育的所有的生命 而有種珍貴, 在每個獨一無二的生命裡。 而地球上70%的森林砍伐, 讓許多物種與棲地消失, 許多生命不復生存, 守護物種的多樣性及消逝中的森林棲地,2020我們一起。 . 【同場溫暖加映】 一禾堂敦南店同步推出為期一個月的?#環境系列展 ? 你最喜歡哪一款麵包或對哪一句信念最有感呢? 快與禾編分享喔? . 《門店資訊》 宅配: 敦南店 02-8773-6965 ?台北市大安區敦化南路一段233巷34號1樓 信義A11店 02-2723-0895 ?台北市信義區松壽路11號B2 復北店 02-2545-0096 ?台北市松山區復興北路323號1樓 . #一禾堂 #yiihotang #世界環境日 #羊角麵包 #World #earth #peace #bread #truffle #vegetarian #power #love #unity #green #photography #❤️ #? #? #パン #Plantforward #vegan #happy #海鹽羊角 #海鹽豆乳奶油捲 #濃豆乳菠蘿 #豆乳吐司 #一禾豆乳冰淇淋 #日式紅豆

A post shared by 一禾堂麵包本舖 ? Artisan Vegan Bakery (@yiihotang) on

Yiihotang (一禾堂麵包本舖) is an artisanal vegan bakery that specialises in healthy pastries and bread.

The bakery recently started selling their sea salt deer horn bread (海鹽羊角) that looks super cute!

Yiihotang's deer horn breadPhoto from @yiihotang via Instagram

It has three different kinds of textures in one bread - crispy at the tips like biting into biscuits, soft in the middle and the bottom thickest and softest portion is where you will taste the sea salt.

Packaging for Yiihotang's deer horns breadPhoto from @yiihotang via Instagram

The bread even comes in an adorable packaging with a deer printed on it. The horns stick out from the packaging, making them look like they belong to deer printed on it. ? Each piece of bread is sold at NT$60 (~3 SGD).

Share this post with a friend who would love to visit Taiwan once it's safe to travel again!

Text by: GirlStyle SG

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