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5 Tips for Not Touching Your Face And Popping Those Zits!

5 Tips for Not Touching Your Face And Popping Those Zits!

By Viroon on 01 Jun 2020
Senior Creative Editor
Passionate about fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Junk Food Junkie | When she’s not writing, you can find her at the pantry munching on snacks.

Do you have a bad habit of touching your face without knowingly? Saw a zit and can't resist to pop it? It's tempting, but popping or squeezing a pimple won't necessarily get rid of the problem.

Well, don't worry, you are not alone. Everyone does it. Everyone! So how to avoid touching your face, propping your face or squeezing a pimple on your face? It's a tough habit to break, but not impossible.

Scroll on to read on the tips we have for you!

#1 Identify triggers

5 Tips for Not Touching Your Face And Popping Those Zits!Photo from Pinterest

People touch their faces for lots of different reasons. The first step to breaking or altering a habit is to develop a strong awareness of when and why you engage in this behaviour. You can create a log/journal where you briefly describe each instance of face-touching. Example - Rested chin on palm or Touched my chin.

#2 Keep your hands busy

5 Tips for Not Touching Your Face And Popping Those Zits!Photo from Pinterest

You’re most likely to touch your face when your hands are idle. If you’re at home watching TV, try folding laundry, sort through mail, or hold something in your hands or squeezing a stress ball. Anything that keeps your hands busy will work!

#3 Remind yourself

5 Tips for Not Touching Your Face And Popping Those Zits!Photo from Pinterest

Do you find yourself squeezing your skin while looking in the mirror? If this is the case, place reminders like Post-it note next to the mirror to remind you not to pick. Or in office, so you can see them and remember you want to keep your hands away from your face.

#4 Be Mindful

Count the touches. This will help you become more aware of the times you are touching your face. Face-touching is often subconscious behaviour, which means people do it without even being aware of it. If you want a number, you probably touch your face around 23 times an hour, according to the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC). 

#5 Cover your hands

5 Tips for Not Touching Your Face And Popping Those Zits!Photo from Pinterest

Sometimes willpower alone can’t break a habit. In these instances, gloves are your best friend. Wearing gloves can also be an effective physical reminder. It’s virtually impossible to pick your acne with gloves on, and the fabric will shield your face from the oil on your hands. It may be unusual, but wearing gloves at home can also help you break the habit of touching your face.

Don’t be hard on yourself if you still continue to touch your face. It is not easy to change unwanted habits, but try some of the tips above to reduce it. Be consistent, and remember to wash your hands too!

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Text by: GirlStyle SG

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