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Can Zoom Hosts See & Save Your Private Messages? We Clear Things Up

Can Zoom Hosts See & Save Your Private Messages? We Clear Things Up

By Karmen on 06 May 2020
Digital Editor
Has severe RBF but is fairly jolly and carefree on the inside. Degree of life satisfaction is heavily influenced by food.

During this circuit breaker period, video conferencing platform Zoom is probably what everyone's using for work meetings, webinars, and online lessons.

Recently, there's a rumour going around social media that Zoom hosts are able to see everyone's private messages. But don't panic yet, we're here to clear things up!

Keep reading to find out more!

Private messages between video participants:

asian girl wearing spectacles looking at her MacBook in a cafePhoto from Pinterest

According to the Zoom Help Center, the Zoom host will not be able to see private messages between you and another friend or co-worker. You can heave a sigh of relief because the only people who have access to your private messages are you and the person you're messaging.

Private messages between host and participant:

girl sitting by a window and Workingt on her MacBook laptop with a drink and bookPhoto from Pinterest

That being said, if you're the Zoom host or chatting privately with the Zoom host, it is possible that others may have access to your private messages.

A host with a paid Zoom account can choose to save the meeting transcripts. The transcript includes the public group chat as well as private messages between the host and other participants. So you only need to be mindful if you're the Zoom host or if you're sending private messages to the host.  Private messages between anyone who isn't the host will not be recorded.

We hope that answers any questions or doubts you might have! Check out some free video backgrounds by Studio Ghibli, Pokemon, Mario and more.

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Text by: GirlStyle SG

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