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Slim Bulky Calf Muscles With These Easy Stretching Exercises

Slim Bulky Calf Muscles With These Easy Stretching Exercises

By Karmen on 17 Apr 2020
Digital Editor
Has severe RBF but is fairly jolly and carefree on the inside. Degree of life satisfaction is heavily influenced by food.

This is the prime time to do home workouts to keep in shape and energise yourself while staying indoors all day!

If you have large bulky calf muscles, we have eight easy stretching exercises to slim them down.

asian woman at a park wearing a long sleeved black dress and sitting on a wooden bench at the backrest with feet on the seatsPhoto from Pinterest

Keep reading to check them out!


asian woman doing an easy home workout bending forward with head downPhoto from 小可爱SaSa via 小红书

Place your feet together at the soles and push them as close to your body as possible. Bend down until you feel a stretch. Hold for 30 seconds.


asian woman doing an easy home workout lying down with knee bent upPhoto from 小可爱SaSa via 小红书

Lie down with one leg stretched out and the other bent at the knee and pulled towards your chest. Move your legs to the side with your thighs on the ground and heel touching your bottom. Alternate between both legs for 30 seconds.


asian woman doing an easy home workout with body in a v-shapePhoto from 小可爱SaSa via 小红书

Form a V-shaped body with legs straight and hands flat on the ground. Hold for 30 seconds. Bend your legs at the knees and stretch forward, keeping as much as your upper body on the floor as possible.


asian woman doing an easy home workout lying down with one leg stretched upPhoto from 小可爱SaSa via 小红书

Lie on your back with one leg on the floor and the other raised at a 90 degree angle. Reach to touch your legs and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other leg.


asian woman doing an easy home workout sitting down with one leg stretched to the backPhoto from 小可爱SaSa via 小红书

Sit with one leg bent and one leg straight behind you. Lie forward with your arms flat on the floor and hold for 30 seconds.


asian woman doing an easy home workout with one leg bent and the other held up with handsPhoto from 小可爱SaSa via 小红书

Raise your hind leg and hold it with your hand and bend your other leg in a 90 degree angle. Keep your body upright and your abdomen tightened. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat on the other leg.


asian woman doing an easy home workout stretching legs apart and bending downPhoto from 小可爱SaSa via 小红书

Sitting down, stretch your legs out as far as possible, keeping your body upright and your knees straight. Bend down until you feel a stretch in your inner thigh and hold for 30 seconds.


asian woman doing an easy home workout bending down to stretch each legPhoto from 小可爱SaSa via 小红书

Bend one leg towards you and the other stretched out. Reach for your toes with both hands and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other leg.

before and after calves stretching workoutPhoto from 小可爱SaSa via 小红书

Besides these stretches, you can slim down your calves by reducing the amount of time you spend wearing high heels. Check out more workouts for slimmer calves as well as easy exercises you can do from home!

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Text by: GirlStyle SG

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