5 Worst Parts Of Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha That Could've Potentially Ruined The Beloved Romcom
For those who have yet to jump on the bandwagon, Netflix's Hometown-Cha-Cha-Cha centers around the love story of a dentist Hye Jin (played by Shin Min Ah), and a jack-of-all-trades Du Sik (played by Kim Seon Ho) set in an idyllic seaside village of Gongjin.
Despite being a therapeutic K-drama on the whole, we felt that the romcom does have a few drawbacks which could've potentially ruined the overall experience for viewers.
Read on to find out more about the worst parts/plot holes of K-drama Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha. Warning, major spoilers ahead!
#1 Gam Ri passes away
Photo from Netflix
Gam Ri's (Kim Young Ok) passing in episode 15 left many viewers (myself included) in a pool of tears. While the show did not specify the cause of her passing, it's safe for us to assume that it was due to old age. Prior to her passing, Gam Ri tried to reach out to Du Sik – who withdrew himself from the village after his past was exposed – but to no avail. The two shared a close bond so we could only imagine how painful it was for Du Sik.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha branded themselves as a "healing drama" so this unexpected scene that left many viewers in shock was especially agonising to watch. That said, the passing of Gam Ri taught us a valuable lesson on how we should appreciate our loved ones while they are still around.
#2 Du Sik took the blame after the security guard attempted to take his own life
Photo from Netflix
Photo from Netflix
This part left many viewers feeling riled up and rightfully so. For context, the security guard attempted to take his own life after losing his capital when the stocks he invested in plummeted. While it wasn't his fault, Du Sik can't help but feel guilty as he was the one who gave the security guard the contact of a person who could help him manage his assets.
Deemed as one of the biggest plot holes of the series, we can't help but feel indignant for Du Sik. Those who dabble in stocks will know that there is no guarantee of profits and in worst-case scenarios, you lose your capital. It just didn't make sense that Du Sik had to shoulder the blame for a mistake that wasn't his.
#3 The stalker
Photo from Netflix
The introduction of the stalker was unnecessary if it was merely used to bring Du Sik and Hye Jin closer. For the uninitiated, stalking is a common issue faced by women in Korea, which in our opinion, was unfortunately trivialised by the scriptwriter. This scene would have worked better if the writer had provided more insight into the severity of this societal problem.
#4 The love triangle between Du Sik, Hye Jin, and Seong Hyeon
Photo from Netflix
Photo from Netflix
And, here we have it – the typical cliché love triangle. Love triangles are common in most K-dramas, we just didn't expect that there'd be one in a romantic comedy. While we didn't mind that, the love triangle between the 3 was rather stale as it was obvious that Hye Jin liked Du Sik so Seong Hyeon didn't really stand a chance.
#5 The childhood connection and innumerable coincidental meetings between Du Sik and Hye Jin
Photo from Netflix
Photo from Netflix
Photo from Netflix
While we do believe in fate, we felt that the scriptwriter went a little "over" with the childhood connection and the numerous coincidental meetings between Du Sik and Hye Jin. It almost seemed like the scriptwriter force-fed us with the abovementioned scenes just to explicitly state that fate had brought the couple together.
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Text by: GirlStyle SG