Long Distance Relationship Survival Guide 101. It's Not That Bad After All, We Have You Covered!
We feel you, you're not alone. A wanderlust travel experience is incomplete without this one life hack: Dating Apps. If it goes exceptionally well, you might land yourself in this heart-yearning situation: A Long Distance Relationship. There are many activities that you can still do together, you just need to know how!
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There's always a time and season for everything and until you see each other again. Here are 7 things you can do together!
1. Read a book together
Agree on a book title that interest both you and your partner. Set a routine, eg. read a chapter a day and talk about what you learn, what's interesting and even offer alternative story plots.
Photo from pinterest
Have some good laughs, debates and well, it's a good test for compatibility too! Over time, you'll have a better idea of his depths, how he thinks and his values.
2. 2 Hearts = 1 Incredible Project
According to your hobbies, personality types and preferences, create a project that is your very own. You could write a story together. You could take pictures to make a collage. Maybe you both can go to the gym at the same time? It's always intimate to be working on something together.
Photo from shutterstock
3. Movie Date on Skype
All thanks to the long-distance pro, Skype, you can now watch movies with your sweetie 10,000 miles away! Click on the screen share function and start sharing your screen. Watching movies together is no longer a dream, it's just a click now. YAYYYY.
Photo from trutower.com
Photo from skype-lab
4. Singing Songs
Leeching on Skype's screen share function, you can have a singing session together. The popular app Smule is awesome but for many songs, you have to pay for it. Mehhhh.
Alternatively, you could also play music in the background or jam together. Singing rap or songs of other cultures can be fun too. Share with us using #girlsdailysg if you and your partner write songs together! We would love to hear you.
Photo from 1mobile.com
5. Shared Calendar
After trying a gazillion apps to find the perfect calendar. We agreed that Google Calendar is the best. It is available on both desktop and mobile versions. Best, it synchronises almost immediately! You can share it, you can colour it, you can set reminders and to-do list.
Photo from lifewire
Photo from lifewire
Keep tabs on your love not because of insecurities, but for reasons of love! Know when he/she is busy, take note on work-related deadlines, plan time for intimacy and calls. Track his/her important dates without remembering it. These are smart ways to keep on loving even in the tiny details. Send each other little notes of encouragement! It goes a long way.
6. Send Gifts and Surprise Your Other Half!
So apparently, this is the market rate to get gifts for girlfriends. (Coughs extremely hard)
Photo from pinterest
And bonus for him if thy boyfriend behaves. Just kidding.
Photo from pinterest
I'm pretty sure he would rather you appear with a bucket of beer and unwind together with a movie. As much as we want to save money for BTO etc, it is still important to give gifts and appreciate your partner. It doesn't have to be extravagant.
7. Multi-Player Game
Girlfriends, stop nagging at him to quit gaming. It won't happen. #GirlsSquad, let's change our strategies. Instead, shower him some love by joining him in a game or two.
Some of the common couple games are Scrabble, bomber friends, fruit ninja etc. Personal favourite: Tower Defence. I trashed my boyfriend in that.
Photo from technected
When you are serious about your partner, the distance wouldn't matter. Distance wouldn't be the cause of breakups unless a heart is wavering. You will eventually run out of topic to talk about and that is okay.
Keep the fire burning by fanning it with love. Let joy be the constant fruit not the pursuit of right and wrong.
Photo from shutterstock
For some couples, the difficulty is not in a long distance relationship. It is in actual physical togetherness. Whatever it is, we want you to be happy.
Text by: Girlsdaily SG