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By Crystal on 05 Feb 2019
Senior Digital Editor
不喜歡規則式生活、沒有潔癖的處女座C編。 希望妳的每個日常裡,都能與美好不期而遇。

上个月末,新加坡艺人冯伟衷于纽西兰参与军训时发生意外重伤逝世;Jayley胡佳琪在Instagram Stories中上载了许多与冯伟衷的甜蜜瞬间,阴阳相隔的揪心之痛,让网友看了不禁鼻酸万分。




适逢昨天除夕夜,@autumn.ying 插画家上载了全新画作献给Jayley和离开了的冯伟衷,同时也圆了俩人众多粉丝的共同心愿。贴心的她还在画作里画上了「场记板」,寓意着为冯伟衷一圆想成为电影导演的梦想。

✨#yingfashioncanvas ✖️#AloysiusPang ✖️#JayleyWoo See, there's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your warmth still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will always be a part of me. • It’s time to share this piece of imagination of fulfilling Jayley’s wish earlier, whereby this pair of lovely couples are happy in the traditional Chinese costume for this festive season. Here’s to visualise the moment of fulfilling Aloy’s dream of becoming film director too, in hope of inciting the same grind and giggles like the precious moments of them being there for each other ?? • Jayley and Hayley, thanks for always being there with me through the critical moments. The kindness you have given me is more than perfect in each and every way it could be. Sometimes the smallest things take up the most rooms in your heart. Do you have anyone in life, completes and fulfils every part of you too? ? • #rememberingaloysiuspang #lovelycouples #jaysiusonthephonewithaloyley #fashionillustration #lovelife #yingfashioncanvas

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一笔一画镌刻深情缱绻,画作里的穿上龙凤褂和袍褂的Aloy和Jayley笑得好甜  ♡ 谢谢插画家的用心、谢谢Aloy天使曾经来过;愿Jayley一切安好 。#RememberingAloysiusPang

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Photo Source:Instagram

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