Korean Model Goes Viral For His Buff Bod, K-Pop Idol-Like Features & Anime-Style Hair

Korean Model Goes Viral For His Buff Bod, K-Pop Idol-Like Features & Anime-Style Hair

Hot Topics Celebrity News
By Karmen on 11 Sep 2021
Digital Editor
Has severe RBF but is fairly jolly and carefree on the inside. Degree of life satisfaction is heavily influenced by food.

Judging from the reaction to Burmese model-actor Paing Takhon, GirlStyle Singapore readers are a thirsty bunch, and we love it! The next viral hot guy you can start fangirling or fanboying over is Kim Jae Eon (김재언), a Korean beauty who looks like he's from another world.

Since August, a heavily muscled man with long blonde locks has been popping up everywhere in Chinese social media sites like Weibo and Line. We were instantly intrigued and dug out information to find out that he's Kim Jae Eon, a model and fitness competitor.

His own Instagram posts are fairly typical, showing him in a relatable light at the gym or with his dog.

korean male model Kim Jae Eon working out at the gymPhoto from @azpp_azpp via Instagram

korean male model Kim Jae Eon at the park with his dogPhoto from @azpp_azpp via Instagram

The pictures that propelled him to Internet fame weren't his own but the professional shots taken by photographer SEANGRAPHY (@seangraphy).

While Jae Eon seems like a regular good looking guy in his own photos, Sean's photography brought his attractiveness to a whole new level. In his series of photos, Jae Eon looks an ethereal and impossibly gorgeous prince-like figure from some fantasy world.

korean male model Kim Jae Eon shirtless and wearing a towelPhoto from @seangraphy via Instagram

korean male model Kim Jae Eon lying on bedPhoto from @seangraphy via Instagram

What got everyone simping for him in particular is his unique and contrasting features. His delicate facial structure, like a K-pop idol, is an unlikely pairing with his muscular, Hulk-like physique. Plus, an anime-style aesthetic is thrown in the mix thanks to his platinum blond hair. Surprisingly, the combination works so well.

korean male model Kim Jae EonPhoto from @seangraphy via Instagram

Without further ado, there's his Instagram (in case you're asking for a friend, of course): @azpp_azpp.

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