Famous Rainbow Ambi Noodles From Taiwan Finally Available In Singapore, 3 Flavours To Choose From
While the main purpose of eating is undoubtedly to satisfy our stomachs, nothing wins our hearts more than pretty nosh. And it’s not just cafes and restaurants that dish out Instagram-worthy creations; Instant food items like the latest sloth marshmallow how chocolate and DIY bunny mooncakes are upping the game when it comes to lazy munchies made at home, much to the delight of us foodies.
Following the virality of the pink “Little Fairy” and black “Little Devil” instant tonkotsu ramen, the newest brand of instant noodles that has taken the internet by storm is Taiwan’s famous rainbow-coloured Ambi Noodles, created by Taiwanese star Sandy Wu. Lucky for us, they’re finally available for pre-order in Singapore in 3 flavours.
Read on to find out how to get the rainbow AMBI Noodles in Singapore!
Photo from Ambi Noodles
For the uninitiated, Sandy Wu is the daughter of Taiwanese TV host Jacky Wu, an industry veteran who’s a familiar face on various talk shows and variety shows. Since its inception, her new instant noodle brand, Ambi Noodles (小情人面), has since gone viral after being served in her eatery, Ambi Cafe.
Photo from Ambi Noodles
Following the high demand, she then made the noodles available for purchase as instant packets for fans and customers to cook at home.
Photo from @shopwithtian via Instagram
The gorgeous muted rainbow tones in every Ambi Noodles packet might be the first thing that draws you to them, but it’s not all just for show. This myriad of 6 hues come about from the infusion of natural ingredients, namely beetroot, spinach, purple sweet potato, pumpkin, blur spirulina, and butterfly pea flower - which means that the noodles are packed with nutrients.
Photo from Ambi Noodles
In fact, the noodles themselves are made with 100% natural ingredients, with no added preservatives, so worry not about the health risks which instant noodles are often associated with.
Photo from Ambi Noodles
There are 3 flavour variants to choose from, all of which are dry style. Shallot Soy Sauce is said to be highly popular, and is the only non-spicy flavour. There’s also Spicy Oil Sauce and BBQ Sauce if you like your noodles with an added kick.
Photo from Ambi Noodles
The noodles are said to have a shelf life of 12 months. Each bag contains 4 packets of noodles. Prices inclusive of shipping to Singapore are as follows:
- 1 bag for $27.50
- 2 bags for $53 ($26.50 per bag)
- 3 bags for $75 ($25 per bag)
Photo from @shopwithtian via Instagram
It’s a rather steep amount to pay for instant noodles, that’s for sure, but considering the natural ingredients used, it’s worth the splurge as a once-in-a-while treat - especially if you’re whipping up a home-cooked meal for a special occasion like your anniversary, and wish to pull out all the stops for food styling. Bonus: Throw in some Rilakkuma fish cake to raise the cute factor of your meal!
Photo from Ambi Noodles
You can pre-order the Ambi Noodles via @shopwithtian on Instagram, a reliable Singaporean personal shopper who’s currently residing in Taiwan. She’s the only one doing such a pre-order, and you won’t be able to find the noodles anywhere else in Singapore at the moment!
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Text by: GirlStyle