Naomi Neo Gets Pranked & Surprised With Gender Of Second Baby By Cheeky Husband
Singaporean influencer Naomi Neo recently made public her second pregnancy, which she hid from her husband Han for 3 months - before revealing it to him during a surprise party which made him cry like a baby (if you missed out on the news, read our article on it here).
But it looks like the tables have turned, for this time, Han decided to prank and surprise Naomi with the gender reveal of their second child. Here’s how it all went down.
Read on to find out more about Naomi Neo’s second baby gender reveal!
Photo from @naomineo_ via Instagram
The video posted on 29 August 2020 starts off with a disgruntled Naomi telling the camera that she paid a lot of money to receive the gender results of her second pregnancy, yet would not be able to see it right away on the collection date - as her husband had a gender reveal surprise planned for her.
Being a good sport, she decided to accept his challenge as over the years, she had always been the one keeping things from him instead of the other way round, and was curious to see what he had up his sleeve. Apparently, he’s really bad at keeping secrets!
Photo from Naomi Neo
The couple shared that they were both really hoping for a girl, as their first child, Kyzo, is a boy. However, they also stressed that they would love their child all the same no matter the gender.
Han first opens the envelope containing the baby’s gender results with his family, with Naomi still kept in the dark - out of earshot in another room with her earphones on. The gender is not yet revealed to the audience in this part of the video.
Photo from Naomi Neo
The scene then cuts to Naomi waiting for Han to get ready for a day out together. “Stop wasting my precious time, JUST GIVE ME THE ANSWER!” she yells.
Photo from Naomi Neo
Han ignores her, and cheekily holds up 2 tops, asking, “So, do you want me to wear blue, or pink?”
Naomi’s response: “That’s MY shirt” *points to the blue top* “So you can wear that” *points to the pink top*. A mini argument over whose top is whose ensues.
Han then goes off to change, and hides behind the door before stepping out to reveal what top he wore. “Ready?” he asks.
“I’m ready but I’m not excited, because you confirm wore something else. You confirm didn’t wear the pink or the blue” Naomi says in a deadpan voice.
Photo from Naomi Neo
Looks like she knows her hubby well - he came out wearing black on black instead. ? What a laugh!
They then go on a jaunt to Sephora, where Naomi quips, “Hello, how long more are you going to waste my time here? Even though Sephora is a girl’s heaven, I’m spending a lot of money already! If you don’t want to tell me why we are here I’m going to spend even more money...unless you’re telling me you’re here so you can foot the bill?”
“No lah, I’m definitely not footing the bill, lah”, says Han.
“So why are we here?!?!”
Photo from Naomi Neo
Han then tells Naomi to check her skin. “If it’s a boy, you won’t have to buy a lot of skincare. They say that if it’s a boy, your skin will be glowing and your complexion will be very good. But if it’s a girl, your complexion won’t be good and you’ll have acne, pimples, and your skin won’t be glowing”
Naomi doesn’t buy the myth, but Han insists, “But I see your skin like glowing leh!’
“It’s just oily lah, brudder,” she retorts.
Photo from Naomi Neo
The pranks don’t stop there. At a cafe, Han orders blueberry pancakes - blue, geddit? However this turned out to be a bit of a fail as the blueberry jam wasn’t even blue in colour, and Naomi thought they were chocolate pancakes. LOL.
Photo from Naomi Neo
Back in the car, Han asks if Naomi is finally ready to know the baby’s gender, and pulls out a pair of Spiderman socks. “It’s a boy?” Naomi asks, sounding a tad disappointed.
Photo from Naomi Neo
However, inside the Spidey socks are smaller pink socks. Yet another confusing “clue”. For a moment, Naomi wonders if she’s having twins.
The whole thing comes to a crescendo the next day, where Naomi and Han pick up her Lamborghini with a fresh new purple wrap from the car workshop. Han tells her they are going for a photoshoot, but obviously that was just a ploy for the real surprise hiding in the front trunk of the car.
And as it turns out…
Photo from @naomineo_ via Instagram
IT’S A GIRL! ???
Photo from @naomineo_ via Instagram
Overwhelmed with emotion, Naomi starts tearing up. Something interesting to note is that it was actually Han’s birthday on the day of the surprise reveal - but instead he went to great lengths to make the day special for his wife instead. How sweet is that?
Photo from @naomineo_ via Instagram
Well played, Han! And a big congratulations to the happy couple on their healthy baby girl. Wonder what they’ll name her - will it start with a “K” too? We’re waiting!
Watch the full video on the gender reveal prank and surprise below:
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Text by: GirlStyle SG