How To Know If Curly Hair Suits You Or Not & Which Style Will Look The Best On You
Although curly or wavy hair is a want for many ladies, it doesn't mean everybody will suit or look good in it.
If you have been wanting to permanently curl your hair but are still hesitant, we have some tips for you to find out if curly hair will suit you or not.
Read on to find out how and to know which curly hair style will look best on you!
Do you have long or short hair?
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Most curly hairstyles will require a bit of length for it to turn out well. For the ladies with medium to long hair length, most types of curls will look good on your hair.
Photo from Pinterest
But that doesn't mean the ladies with shorter hair can't have curls too! Big C-curls or smaller S-curls that start from the root of your hair will still look good on short hair. However, if your hair doesn't fall below your ears, it's best to keep it straight to prevent an old-fashioned look.
What is your hair care routine like?
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Some things to consider before getting permanent curly hair are:
- Do you blow dry your hair after showering?
- Do you go to the hair salon often to get your hair trimmed?
- Do you take the time to apply hair care products?
Curly hair will undoubtedly require more care and styling compared to straight hair so if you are too lazy or don't think you will have the time, we recommend sticking to straight hair. Curly hair needs to be cared for and styled diligently every day for it to look its best.
What is your hair texture like?
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Ladies with thin hair will need to care for their hair more so that it's able to hold the curls and not break or damage easily when you decide to permanently curl it.
If you have very frizzy or weak hair, curly hair might accentuate the frizziness even more so keep that in mind. But that doesn't mean curly hair will be an unattainable dream for you. Make sure to keep your hair smooth and frizz-free before curling your hair permanently.
Have you ever curled your hair yourself?
Photo from Pinterest
This is the best way to see if curly hair will suit you or not! If you don't have a curling iron, there are many inexpensive ones online you can purchase to try out. Otherwise, we have three ways you can curl your hair without using heat.
Follow YouTube tutorials and see yourself in curly hair for at least a week before making your final decision. Some people may find their curly hair fabulous at first glance but regret it the next day, while others may only get used to their new hair after a few days or so. We think one week is a good timeframe to see if curly hair is for you or not.
What is your face shape?
Photo from @眼角有笑纹的艾小琦 via 小红书
If you have long face shape, larger curls and shorter hair will help to make your face look more proportionate. If your face is slim and small, curls that are too large might overwhelm your features, so go for smaller curls.
For those with a wider face shape, it's best to go for curly hairstyles that will frame your face well and make it appear slimmer. Read this article for a comprehensive guide on which curly hairstyle to go for if you have a wider face shape.
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Text by: GirlStyle SG