Decorate Your Instagram Stories & Photos With Emojis
There are apps that can beautify your Insta-stories and some hidden gifs and stickers you can use too!
To add on to that, there are also some creative ways you can use emojis to decorate your photos and Instagram stories.
Keep reading to check them out!
#1 Describe your music
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
How does your music make you feel?
#2 Describe your book
Photo from Pinterest
Instead of using text to describe your thoughts and feelings while reading a book, use emojis instead!
#3 Emoji background
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
Create your own aesthetically pleasing background using emojis!
#4 Use it as a symbol
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
Emojis are worth a thousand words!
#5 Emphasise colours
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
Bought a new pair of shoes or just got your nails done? Show them off on Instagram decorated with emojis of the same colour!
#6 Interact with emojis
Photo from Pinterest
'Play' with emojis!
#7 Emoji rainbow
Photo from 分享好物 via 小红书
Photo from 分享好物 via 小红书
Photo from 分享好物 via 小红书
Photo from 分享好物 via 小红书
Create an emoji rainbow around you! This is great for adding colour to a plain photo backdrop.
#8 Emoji water
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
This is probably the most boliao option. ? If you have too much free time on your hands, why not decorate your shower water, sink water or rain water with colourful emojis?
While you're here, check out a free way to customise your iPhone app icons for an aesthetically pleasing home screen!
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Text by: GirlStyle SG