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Singaporeans To Receive New & Improved Bacteria-Filtering Face Masks In May 2020

Singaporeans To Receive New & Improved Bacteria-Filtering Face Masks In May 2020

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By Rachel Yohannan on 08 May 2020
Senior Digital Editor
Crazy cat lady who loves afternoon tea, kawaii Japanese fashion, and all things Sanrio.

Wearing face masks to protect ourselves is the new norm during this COVID-19 pandemic. After all, the Singapore government has already made mask usage outside the home mandatory for everyone - and those who don’t comply will be slapped with a $300 fine.

You have even less reason to be caught flouting the rules when the government has already issued us 2 batches of free masks. Households first received a set of disposable surgical masks in March, followed by reusable masks for every individual in April.

Come end May 2020, we will get to claim a third batch of reusable masks with new and improved properties.

Read on to find out more!

Face mask collection May 2020Photo from People's Association

Previously, the cloth and foam masks we received simply acted as an effective barrier to shield against saliva and droplets form others. However, the new ones, created by local research facility A*STAR, have added anti-bacterial properties which filter out microbes. The outer layer of the masks have fluid-repelling properties as well.

bacteria-filtering masks singaporePhoto from Chan Chun Sing

According to A*STAR, the new masks have 98.5% bacteria filtration efficacy when brand new. You can wash them 20-30 times, after which the efficacy will remain at a good 95%. This certainly makes them more eco-friendly compared to regular surgical masks.

On top of that, they are said to be more breathable, so you can head out for essential activities like grocery runs in comfort.

Face mask vending machine SingaporePhoto from People’s Association

As with previous mask collection exercises, these new masks will soon be available at Community Centres (CCs) and Residents' Committees (RCs) near our homes. For added convenience, vending machines operating 24/7 will also be stocked up with the masks.

You will be able to locate the nearest collection points in your neighbourhood on Mask Go Where once the exercise opens.

In the meantime, let’s all remain socially responsible and avoid going out unless we absolutely have to. Hang in there, everyone!

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Text by: GirlStyle SG

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