8 Easy Ways For Your Face & Body To Look Less Awkward In Photos
Do you often look at a picture of yourself and think 'Why do I look like that?!' If your answer is yes, you've clicked to the right place. ?
Keep reading to find out why you look awkward in photos and how to overcome it!
#1 Don't smile for too long
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If your facial expression in photos looks strange, it might be because you were smiling for too long and it ended up looking forced and strained. This will usually happen in group photos. Get the photographer to do a countdown and don't smile until right at the last moment.
#2 Smile with your whole face
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
Another thing that might happen is that your mouth is smiling but the rest of your face isn't. This makes your smile look forced and awkward. Try gently scrunching your face while you smile such that your cheekbones are lifted and your eyelids are slightly lowered.
#3 Find something to interact with
Photo from Pinterest
One big reason why you don't look your best in photos is that you become hyper aware of yourself and as a result, you pose your body in a stiff and awkward position! Fix this by having something to interact with like a cup, phone or bag to hold, sunglasses to put on or a sleeve to adjust.
#4 Cross one arm
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
If you don't have anything to interact with and not sure what to do with your arms, simply cross one arm! It looks casual and natural and is easy to pull off even for camera-shy people.
#5 Relax
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
If you feel uncomfortable on camera, your facial expression and body will probably look tense and awkward in photos! The best way to combat that discomfort is to simply relax. An easy way to do this is to lean against something which will make you instinctively loosen up. You'll have a more relaxed facial expression and fall into a natural and flattering pose that's in your comfort zone.
#6 Stroll and act like no one is photographing you
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
They key to looking less awkward is to act like you're not being photographed. We know, that's easier said than done. To look more relaxed and forget that there's a camera in front of you, simply stroll back and forth and get your photographer to keep snapping away. After a few paces, you'll feel more comfortable and look more natural on camera.
You can either stroll past the camera for a side shot or walk straight towards the camera. If you feel awkward doing the latter, try looking at the distance behind the photographer!
#7 Sit down
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
You'll instantly feel more comfortable and fall into a natural pose when you're sitting down. You can rest your arms on your legs or prop up your chin with one hand.
#8 Practice your modelling skills
Photo from Pinterest
If you're camera shy and usually look awkward in pictures, that's all the more reason to appear in more photos! Practice makes perfect and the more you pose, the more comfortable you'll feel. Look through your pictures to identify poses and angles that you look good in!
If you need more help, check out some easy poses for girls and guys that anyone can pull off without feeling awkward as well as candid poses if you don't like looking straight into the camera.
Share this article with your friends who tend to be awkward in front of the camera! ❤️
Text by: GirlStyle SG