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7 Easy Ways To Have A Clutter-Free Room All The Time

7 Easy Ways To Have A Clutter-Free Room All The Time

By Karmen on 14 Feb 2020
Digital Editor

When you're sick of the mess in your room and do a purge, it's satisfying to see the results of your work. But as the days and weeks pass, the neat and organised room that you achieved may slowly get filled with clutter again! ?

Keep reading to check out seven easy tips to maintain a clutter-free room!

#1 Get rid of things you don't need

pink bedroom with rattan bed framePhoto from Pinterest

This may seem obvious, but the easiest way to keep your home neat is to have less things in it!

Do a thorough Marie Kondo of your home. Sell, donate or give away any clothes, books and knick knacks that you don't need or doesn't spark joy anymore.

#2 Have a specific storage space for everything

organised stationary drawerPhoto from Pinterest

Clutter is usually made out of a random assortment of items that you don't know where to place, so it's just left on surfaces to deal with later.

When everything has a home, it's easier for you to put things away immediately. Organise your belongings such that every specific type of items has a place. For example, a stationary drawer could have separate spaces for different items like pens, scissors etc.

You can also label your storage areas so you know at a glance where an item should go.

#3 Put things away immediately

vanity with round mirror and pink velvet chairPhoto from Pinterest

Although it might take time, try to develop the habit of putting things away immediately. A thought that will help you is, if it takes less than five seconds to do, it's not that much of an inconvenience!

#4 Organise your clutter

PinterestPhoto from Pinterest

Observe what items commonly end up in clutter piles around your home. This could be items like letters, keys, makeup etc.

The likely reason why this clutter piles up is that they are so commonly used that you might not feel the need to organise it. The trick to deal with this is to create easily accessible storage solutions like a box on your table for letters and a bowl for keys.

#5 Have a donation box at all times

donation box filled with belongingsPhoto from Pinterest

Instead of having unwanted things pile up in random spots, have a designated place to put them. Set a date to clear out the box once a month so it doesn't pile up!

#6 Have a miscellaneous drawer

 a miscellaneous junk drawerPhoto from Pinterest

There will be times when you're too tired or busy to deal with things and a miscellaneous drawer will let you bend the rules while still making your room look neat. Dump your clutter into this spot and close the drawer to erase the clutter!

Once it gets full, then it's time to clear it out. Make sure to restrict this clutter zone to that one drawer instead of creating more miscellaneous drawers!

#7 Understand your style

pink bedroom with ceiling lightsPhoto from Pinterest

The next time you feel an urge to purchase something, ask yourself if it really aligns with your style. Be picky and don't say yes to just anything that sparks joy to stop yourself from buying things.

Share this article with your friends who always have messy rooms! ?

Text by: GirlStyle SG

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