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7 Exercises For Lazy Girls Who Want A Flat Tummy & Slim Legs By CNY

7 Exercises For Lazy Girls Who Want A Flat Tummy & Slim Legs By CNY

By Amanda on 03 Jan 2020
Digital Editor
Amanda enjoys writing about fashion and lifestyle (even though she can't dress and has no life). She is also a self-professed cheese, mala and sparkling water lover.

Chinese New Year is approaching too soon and we are probably still trying to shed off weight we gained from Christmas and New Year's. If you are in need of an exercise regime to shed off your muffin top and chunky thighs, look no further!

Here are seven exercises for girls who want a flat tummy and slim legs by Chinese New Year!

#1 Ankle-Grabbing Crunches

crunchesPhoto from @ddaling (via Little Red Book)

Lie flat on a yoga mat with your hands above your head.

crunchesPhoto from @ddaling (via Little Red Book)

Crunch up with one leg bent, touch your ankles and lie back flat. Repeat this on the other leg.

Do two sets, 30 times per set.

#2 Side Leg Lifts

side leg liftsPhoto from @ddaling (via Little Red Book)

Lie on your side and prop up your upper body with your elbows on the floor. Make sure that your legs are on the same line as your hips, shoulders and head.

leg liftsPhoto from @ddaling (via Little Red Book)

Keep both your legs straight and lift your upper leg as high as you can without your body twisting.

Do three sets for each leg, 20 times per set.

#3 Leg Lifts

leg liftsPhoto from @ddaling (via Little Red Book)

Lie flat on a yoga mat and lift your feet to a 45 degree angle. Keep your hands flat beside your body and make sure your legs are straight.

leg liftsPhoto from @ddaling (via Little Red Book)

Engage your core muscles and lower your legs as close to the floor as possible without touching it before lifting it back up to the 45 degree angle. Make sure your legs are not bent during this exercise.

Do three sets, 20 times each set.

#4 Cross Leg Lifts

exercisePhoto from @ddaling (via Little Red Book)

Lie on your side and prop up your upper body with your elbows on the floor. Cross your top leg to be placed in front of you and lift the lower leg up from the floor slightly. Make sure that your hips are squared and not overly twisted.

exercisePhoto from @ddaling (via Little Red Book)

Hold on to your top leg ankle with your free hand and lift your lower leg up, making sure that your leg isn't bent at the same time. Lower your leg but don't let it touch the floor.

Do two sets for each leg, 20 times per set.

#5 Alternate Side Crunches

exercisePhoto from @ddaling (via Little Red Book)

Lie flat on the ground and cup your ears with your hands. Do a crunch with one leg bent and make sure your opposite elbow touches your kneecap. Keep your other leg straight.

exercisePhoto from @ddaling (via Little Red Book)

Repeat on the other side, with your other elbow touching the opposite bent leg. Your other leg should be straightened.

Do three sets, 30 times per set.

#6 Air Cycling

exercisePhoto from @ddaling (via Little Red Book)

Lie flat on the yoga mat and do a cycling motion with your legs up in the air.

exercisePhoto from @ddaling (via Little Red Book)

Make sure you engage your core while doing this exercise.

Do two sets, one minute each set.

#7 Dog Stretch

dog stretchPhoto from @ddaling (via Little Red Book)

Cool down by going into a dog's pose. Lie on your stomach and prop up your body with your arms to stretch your abdomen.

dog stretchPhoto from @ddaling (via Little Red Book)

Go into a kneeling position and extend your arms forward to stretch your back too.

Do two sets, 15 seconds each set.

Share this post with a friend who wants to tone their tummy and legs in time for CNY!

Text by: GirlStyle SG

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