8 Habits You Should Have To Lose Weight Without You Noticing It
Losing weight is just too difficult! However, you can make some adjustments to your life and cultivate habits that will aid with shedding off some weight.
Curious to know what these habits are? Read on to find out more!
#1 Eat your breakfast!
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Breakfast is a very important meal that you should not skip! Eating breakfast everyday helps your body to maintain a normal metabolism rate, which will in turn aid with losing weight. If you don't eat breakfast, you may get low blood sugar as well.
#2 Drink one cup of water every morning on an empty stomach
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Drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach every morning aids with digestion and will help you get a flatter stomach over time.
#3 Eat more fruits
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Fruits are packed with vitamins and nutritions that our body needs and they are so delicious too! If you want to snack, you can try packing some fruits to snack on instead. Some great fruits that aid with losing weight are: apples, oranges, guava, mango, pear, grapefruit, strawberry, and tomatoes.
#4 Don't excessively control your urges
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Controlling your food intake excessively will usually lead to undesirable results. Start small by eating slightly less than your usual amount and slowly cut down even more. If you cut your food intake drastically, you will just make yourself miserable and even more hungry.
#5 Avoid sitting down right after eating
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Sitting down or even worse, lying down after you eat will just let food accumulate in your stomach and make you feel even more bloated. After you eat, you should stand up for at least 10-20 minutes to aid with digestion and reduce your food belly!
#6 Brush your teeth after you eat
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Brushing your teeth sends a signal to your brain that you will not eat anymore and you will get fresh breath at the same time!
#7 Don't eat sweets when you are feeling tired
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Sweets may give you that sudden burst of energy when you are feeling tired but the effect won't last. Plus, sweets will let you gain weight easily as well so stay away from sugar when you need a pick-me-up!
#8 Incorporate light exercise daily
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Taking the stairs when walking up from the MRT, taking a longer route to walk home or even doing some light stretches before bed can help with losing weight. Doing some light exercise daily can also help you control your food intake better as compared to sudden bursts of vigorous exercise.
Are you ready to change some habits to lose weight? Share this post with a friend to work on losing weight together!
Text by: GirlStyle SG