5 Tips To Spruce Up Your Vanity Table
Your vanity table is probably the first place you sit down at after washing up so it is important that it is kept nice and neat with all the necessary items there. Starting your morning right plays a part in setting your mood for the rest of the day!
Every girl has their own dream version of a vanity table so we have curated a list of items you will need to spruce up and help you achieve your dream vanity table! ?
Read on to find out more!
#1 Round mirror/mirror with LED lights
If your vanity table is placed near a window where you will have natural sunlight shining in, you can opt for a mirror without any LED lights.
Instead of choosing the usual rectangle mirrors, try mounting a round mirror on the wall for something different. The gold rim around the mirror also adds a touch of classiness!
However, if your vanity table is not placed near a window or you don't usually have sunlight streaming in the house, you can get mirrors with built-in LED lights so you can perfect your makeup.
These type of mirrors can double up as a nightlight too!
#2 Organisers
Placing your makeup and accessories in acrylic organisers is a great way to keep them neat. Plus, they look minimalistic and elegant too!
These acrylic organisers are transparent so you can look for that particular makeup product or accessory with ease.
#3 Faux flowers and plants
Add some fake plants or flowers in a vase and place them on your vanity table!
You won't have to care for or water them and they look beautiful as decorations, so why not? ??
#4 Velvet chair
You want to be as comfortable as possible when you are sitting at your vanity table because that is where you do your skincare routine and put on makeup!
Feel like a princess in these expensive looking and comfortable velvet chairs! ??
#5 Marble patterns
Marble is very popular among ladies for its luxurious and elegant look.
Purchase a stick on marble wallpaper for your table or add marble ornaments and trays to achieve an atas look!
Which of these tips caught your eye? Share this post with a girlfriend who needs to spruce up her vanity table!
Photos: Pinterest
Text by: GirlStyle SG