8 Motivational Tattoo Inspirations For Girls
No matter what you are going through in your life, your motivation and determination can keep you going. Ink a phrase or word that is significant to you and let it carry you through the challenges in life!
Here are 8 tattoos you can consider getting to encourage yourself!
1. "Today, I'm Here"
Don't waste another day dwelling in your past or the what-could-have-been. Seize the day and make choices that will make you a better, happier person today.
2. "Oh Yes, I Can."
Telling yourself, "Yes, I can!" is a simple, powerful statement that might change your life.
3. "Do All Things With Love."
A reminder to yourself that it is more important to love than anything else.
4. "Die with memories, not dreams."
If you need some push in life, take the leap of faith and do it. You will not regret it.
5. "Happiness Only Real When Shared"
To a selfless girl, who loves to share and make the world a better place!
6. I Created My Own Sunshine Out Of The Flame You Gave Me
A phrase to keep you going no matter how angry or unjustified you feel. Be the burst of sunshine and don't let comparison bring you down.
7. Be Brave
Don't allow fear to stop you. Be brave, chin up and get going!
8. The Sun Will Rise
Some popular areas that girls like to ink on include the arm, fingers, neck, underboob, ankle, and so on. It depends on how visible you want it to be!
Be reminded daily to give your best and never give up!
Photo Source: Pinterest
Text By: GirlStyle SG