I'm not an avid tea drinker, but you know, a pretty tea cup can hold anything. As long as the cup is pretty, you can take my money. I'll fill it up with water, coffee and even coke. Drink in style when you drink with the prettiest cup!
Prices are accurate at time of posting.
Please direct all enquiries and purchases to the seller itself, we do not sell or promote them.
We always share good deals that are pretty and simply girlstyle (;
Here are the closed-up pictures!
(Left) The line is not a defect, but part of production.
(Right) The golden lining is hand-scraped gold, metallic gold colour.
(Left) A carefully designed teacup handle
(Right) Clear printed designs.
Green Polka Dots
Pink Wave Rose
Blue Rose
Purple British Flower
Blue Happy Bird
Yellow Happy Bird