「14 Short Hairstyles 」That Will Make You Want To Snip Your Locks Off Today!
Clothes maketh a man but hair is what defines us girls!
Face it, girls. Guys can shave their head bald for all they want and we won't really care (unless they are our boyfriend) but if anyone touches our hair.... that's it.. But have you ever had one of those days where you'd look in the mirror and feel like you're sick of the same looks you see everyday?
If you've been wanting to try out a new image, start off with your hair!
If you need validation, check out IU'S hair transformation.
Long and straight hair generally gives out a more feminine look while middle-length hair is refreshing and young. Short hair can be a mixture of both, though.
Let's take a look at these 14 short hairstyles that might just motivate you to pop by the salon this weekend.
Girls who've had long hair all their lives would probably think that cutting their hair short is a taboo but hey, how would you know if you're wearing the right hair if you've never worn it a different way?
Get out of your comfort zone and try something different. Something bold.
In case it's not obvious enough, shorter hair means lower maintenance.
Of course, to achieve the healthy-looking and 'bouncy' hair, you gotta wash it and blow it dry.
For girls who aren't used to keeping bangs, you can try it with this look too!
If you're not sure if you suits bangs, check out this guide.
Yay or nay to short hair?
Share this article with a friend who rocks her short hair! x
Text by: Girlstyle SG