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The Viral New “Spotify Pie” Analyses Your Music Tastes In A Colourful Chart & How To Get Yours

The Viral New “Spotify Pie” Analyses Your Music Tastes In A Colourful Chart & How To Get Yours

Lifestyle Music Personality Quizzes & Astrology
By Samantha Ann Francis on 14 Jun 2022
Senior Editor

Remember the Spotify Wrapped feature? An annual marketing campaign by the Swedish audio streaming company, it allows users to view a fun compilation of their activity on the platform over the past year and invites them to share it on social media.

Bake your own Spotify Pie!Photo from Unsplash

From your most listened-to songs to your favourite artists and genres, these stats are more than boring numbers—they’re also a microcosm of your music tastes and personality. With Spotify Wrapped still half a year away, why not check out the new kid on the block, Spotify Pie

The brainchild of UCLA student Darren Huang, the now-viral website analyses one’s Spotify listening activity and organises it into a highly-shareable pie chart that unveils all the genres you’ve listened to in the past month. Plus, it lists your top artists of the month below the colourful chart, allowing your followers to know immediately if you’re a K-pop stan or an R&B addict.

My personal "pie"Photo from Spotify Pie

Paired by the witty tagline “Bake your monthly genre pie”, Spotify Pie is an elevated version of the Spotify Wrapped feature. My personal pie was very specific in showing off my favourite music choices, from anime lo-fi to Singaporean pop, and even Japanese chill-hop, whichever that means.

Both Twitter and Instagram users have been vigorously sharing their pies to their hearts’ content, while others have been pretty judgemental when it comes to certain odd music choices. Although the site has no tools for sharing, you can easily screenshot your own pie with the old-fashioned method.

If you’re ready to share a piece of your Spotify Pie with the world, check out this website to create your own!

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