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New Realistic-Looking Cat Poop Brownies In Cat Litter At Nasty Cookie Singapore

New Realistic-Looking Cat Poop Brownies In Cat Litter At Nasty Cookie Singapore

Lifestyle Food
By Karmen on 14 Oct 2021
Digital Editor

Following their viral "chicken nugget" cookies for April Fool's Day, Nasty Cookie is launching a Halloween special that's even more hilarious and prank-worthy: brownies that look like cat poop.

Keep reading to find out more!

From 16 October 2021 onwards, you can get your hands on the Nasty Cookie Cat Poop Brownies at $5 per box.

Each box contains three pieces of "cat poop" resting on top of a bed of biscuit crumbs that look just like cat litter.

nasty cookie Cat Poop Brownie in box singaporePhoto from Nasty Cookie

Up close, the brownies look unnervingly like cat poo. They got everything down pat from the colour to the gloopy shape and soft yet firm-looking texture. Looks nasty, pun intended, but they must be delicious!

nasty cookie Cat Poop Brownie singaporePhoto from Nasty Cookie

The Cat Poop brownies will be sold in all Nasty Cookie outlets and online while stocks lasts, with limited sets available daily.

Nasty Cookie
Outlets: Orchard Gateway #B2-10, Funan #02-35, Westgate #01-09, Nasty Cookie Factory 1 Kaki Bukit View #01-02
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