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By Crystal on 15 Sep 2020
Senior Digital Editor
不喜歡規則式生活、沒有潔癖的處女座C編。 希望妳的每個日常裡,都能與美好不期而遇。

2020确实是挺糟的一年,因疫情打乱了许多计划、也难免碰到各种沮丧不已的事;但时间在走、生活依然继续,坏人坏事坏情绪就和不太如意的2020年一样,终会过去的 ❤️ 致心累疲惫的你,和小编一起静下心深呼吸,给自己加油打气吧!给大家整理出10+款色彩治愈+暖心正能量语录桌布,希望每次解锁屏幕时都能温暖你的心~

Reminder:Take a deep breath. 无论再忙也要记得让自己缓一缓、喘口气。

Reminder:Take a deep breath.  


It's just a bad day, not a bad life. 今天或许是糟透了的一天;但仅仅只是糟糕的一天而已,绝对不会一辈子如此!

It's just a bad day, not a bad life.


You are free to start over. 人生没有所谓「太晚的开始」;重新开始,永远来得及!

You are free to start over.


Be your own princess. 做自己的公主、成为自己的女王!

Be your own princess.


Hey, it's okay! 嘿,没关系的、都会过去的 ❤️

Hey, it's okay! 

嘿,没关系的、都会过去的 ❤️

Stop being so hard on yourself. 亲爱的,别对自己太苛刻。

Stop being so hard on yourself. 


but I am closer than I was yesterday. 哪怕只有一小步,也比昨天的自己更往前进了一步吖 ❤️ 加油!

but I am closer than I was yesterday.

哪怕只有一小步,也比昨天的自己更往前进了一步吖 ❤️ 加油!

Through the wild of all you have been through, I hope you find your new beginnings. You have given your all just to be strong here, and you are worth the journey toward something beautiful and new. 种种苦难使你变得更加坚强;继续向前吧,继续奔向美好!

Through the wild of all you have been through, I hope you find your new beginnings. You have given your all just to be strong here, and you are worth the journey toward something beautiful and new.


Be brave, be bold, be authentic, be you. 勇敢做最真实的自己,成为喜欢的自己。

Be brave, be bold, be authentic, be you.


At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can. 所能承受的,往往比想象中更多;你比你想象中更勇敢,只是你没发现而已 ❤️

At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.

所能承受的,往往比想象中更多;你比你想象中更勇敢,只是你没发现而已 ❤️

When things change inside you. Things change around you. 当你的内心有了变化,周遭的事物也会随之迎来改变。

When things change inside you. Things change around you. 


Good things are coming. 一切美好的事物都在来临的路上~

Good things are coming.


This is the season for letting go... Making room for what is new, and opportunities to grow. 「死死攥紧的时候,拳头里什么都没有;放开手,全世界都在手上了。」放开手不意味着失去,而是有机会握住和拥有更多的开始~

This is the season for letting go... Making room for what is new, and opportunities to grow.


Never stop growing. 心若向阳,一路有光;一起努力向阳生长吧!

Never stop growing.


Slow down, breathe deep. Make a little more time for the little things. 放慢脚步深呼吸;腾出一点时间,去留意那些藏在三餐四季里细碎的小美好吧~

Slow down, breathe deep. Make a little more time for the little things.



In this season, progress may be slow. But it is still progress, beautiful progress, and it matters more than you know.

「过程或许很慢,但放弃不会帮助你加速」;过程中每一处细节都是一道美丽风景,往往比结果更加重要哟 ❤️

Text By:马来西亚女生日常编辑部

Photo Source:Pinterest

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