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黑豹国王Chadwick Boseman病逝:回顾Black Panther经典台词,Wakanda精神不灭!

黑豹国王Chadwick Boseman病逝:回顾Black Panther经典台词,Wakanda精神不灭!

By Crystal on 29 Aug 2020
Senior Digital Editor

今天对于好莱坞演艺圈、全球漫威迷而言都是沉重悲痛的一天;漫威电影《BLACK PANTHER黑豹》男主角Chadwick Boseman不敌大肠癌病魔证实病逝,享年43岁 ?? 让许多影迷大感悲恸表示无法接受:「2020,真是糟透的一年」…


今天对于好莱坞演艺圈、全球漫威迷而言都是沉重悲痛的一天;漫威电影《BLACK PANTHER黑豹》男主角Chadwick Boseman不敌大肠癌病魔证实病逝,享年43岁 ?? 让许多影迷大感悲恸表示无法接受:「2020,真是糟透的一年」…

Chadwick Boseman 早在4年前拍摄漫威电影期间已确诊罹患癌症,但在对抗病魔治疗期时期依然没有放弃自己热爱的演艺事业,持续拍摄只为带给影迷们更多好作品;据其家人声明所述,他主演的《Da 5 Bloods》、《Marshall》都是在接受治疗期间进行拍摄。

Chadwick Boseman 早在4年前拍摄漫威电影期间已确诊罹患癌症,但在对抗病魔治疗期时期依然没有放弃自己热爱的演艺事业,持续拍摄只为带给影迷们更多好作品;据其家人声明所述,他主演的《Da 5 Bloods》、《Marshall》都是在接受治疗期间进行拍摄。



无论是致力于贡献社会和演艺事业的Chadwick Boseman本人,还是他所饰演的黑豹国王T‘Challa以及多位经典角色,都给世界留下了永存的美好!巨星陨落但精神永在,愿Wakanda瓦坎达精神不朽;下面和大家一起回顾漫威电影《Black Panther》中的经典台词,无论你是不是漫威迷,都值得一阅!

Chadwick家人也在声明文中表示: 「能够让『黑豹国王T’Challa』一角走进人生,是他毕生的荣耀」。 无论是致力于贡献社会和演艺事业的Chadwick Boseman本人,还是他所饰演的黑豹国王T‘Challa以及多位经典角色,都给世界留下了永存的美好!巨星陨落但精神永在,愿Wakanda瓦坎达精神不朽;下面和大家一起回顾漫威电影《Black Panther》中的经典台词,无论你是不是漫威迷,都值得一阅!



But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers.

在危机四伏时,智者搭建桥梁,愚人才会建起壁垒。 But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers.


All of you were wrong to turn your backs on the rest of the world. We let our fear of discovery stop us from doing what is right. No more.

错就错在我们对于外面世界的视而不见;对探索的恐惧,阻止了我们做正确的事。我们不能继续这样下去。 All of you were wrong to turn your backs on the rest of the world. We let our fear of discovery stop us from doing what is right. No more. 


It is wrong to choose to ignore everything.

选择漠视一切,是错误的! It is wrong to choose to ignore everything.


The world is changing...soon there will only be the conquered, and the conquerer.

世界将重新洗牌,很快就只会剩下征服者与被征服者。 The world is changing...soon there will only be the conquered, and the conquerer.



What is happening now will reverse the fate of the world.

现在所发生的,将会扭转这个世界的命运! What is happening now will reverse the fate of the world.


Don't be afraid. I never dread.

别害怕。我从不畏惧! Don't be afraid. I never dread.


I did not yield! And as you can see, I am not dead! The challenge continues!

我不曾屈服!如你所见我还活着!挑战还在继续! I did not yield! And as you can see, I am not dead! The challenge continues!


Wakanda will no longer watch from the shadows. We cannot. We must not. We will work to be an example of how we as brothers and sisters on this earth should treat each other. Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than divides us. 

瓦坎达不会再躲于阴暗中窥视。我们不会、我们不能。我们要为地球上的兄弟姐妹树立一个如何待人的榜样。尤其是现在,分裂的假象已经威胁到我们的生存。我们都知道:团结让我们强大,分裂令为我们弱小。 Wakanda will no longer watch from the shadows. We cannot. We must not. We will work to be an example of how we as brothers and sisters on this earth should treat each other. Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than divides us.

Wakanda Forever!


Wakanda Forever! 瓦坎达,万岁! Wakanda Forever!安息吧,永远的黑豹国王;您的精神将永远留存于影迷心中,愿天堂再无病痛。Rest In Paradise, King ?

Wakanda Forever!安息吧,永远的黑豹国王;您的精神将永远留存于影迷心中,愿天堂再无病痛。Rest In Paradise, King ?

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