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The Miracles That Makeup Can Do For You!

The Miracles That Makeup Can Do For You!

Beauty Cosmetics Makeup Tips
By christinelai on 06 Aug 2018

We just watched a video and we were completely mind blown by one girl's complete transformation with her nifty makeup skills! All done without going under the knife! We are pretty damn amazed! (Though some viewers were more horrified) *LOL*



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The initial stages.




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The miracle of some facial lotion



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We FINALLY discover the secret to those slim V-shaped faces! This special facial tape this chick is using is viral in Korea.




In case you were wondering, we heard that DODO tape from Korea actually does work to help you achieve the V-shaped slim jawline without the surgery! The new Face Maker Lifting Tape that gives you a slimmer face almost instantly. It comes in a box that contains 20 tapes, and all you have to do is to tape it on the side of your jawline, lift your skin and tape it down again.



Dodo LabelPhoto from Dodo Label




*DAYUMMMM SON*  It's almost like a miracle! You can put makeup over the tape to camouflage it, or use your hair to cover it and no one will even be able to tell!



FemalePhoto from Female





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Never underestimate what a good eyeliner and eyebrow pencil can do for you.




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Here's the final result! If that's not amazing, we aren't sure what is!



Good hair is completely essential.  Put a dash of red lippie and tong that hair and you are ready to go for that Tinder Date!



Lets just hope the guys never find out the truth behind (Or rather, BENEATH) the makeup!




9GagPhoto from 9Gag




Text By: Girlsdaily SG

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