10 Terrible Things That Disney Taught Me
We all grew up with Disney Cartoons. Whether we loved or hated the characters, they form a integral part of our childhood. As a child, we watched with wide eyed wonder and like a sponge we absorbed all the subliminal messages that Disney were telling us. Some good, and some ....well, less then desirable.
Here are 10 pretty awful life lessons that Disney taught me.
- It's alright to kidnap people! (as long as you are super rich)
Photo from DesiComments
They might just, you know, fall in love with you thereafter, and you could get married too, if you are really lucky! Heard of Stockholm Syndrome?
2. It's perfectly fine to take advantage and kiss a girl when she's sleeping or dead.
Photo from Livememe
She could possibly by some miracle wake up, not slap/punch you and call you a pervert, and marry you! She might even clean the house for you too! #somuchwin
3. You can forgo oral hygiene (no need to brush your teeth in the mornings!)
Because people still gonna kiss you anyway even if you have 100-year-old morning breath as long as you are blonde and gorgeous.
4. You can and should totally accept food from shady and sinister looking strangers.
I mean, whats the most that could happen right? You might die, but then again you might get a prince! (Move over Meghan Markle)
5. It's great to chat and befriend strangers you meet in the woods.
Especially if they are hot, coz hot guys can do no wrong.
6. Running away from home without your parent's knowledge is legit
As long as things turn out fine in the end who cares what means you took to get to the end right?
8. You can totally marry a guy you barely know!
Photo from Gurl
All it takes is a kiss, a dance, or just a first sighting to discover he is the one. While mere mortals can take a lifetime (or even never) to find THE ONE, in Disney it only takes 90 minutes!
9. It's Alright to keep wild/exotic animals as pets
Photo from Pinterest
They won't really bite you or harm you. Don't listen to Nat Geo/AnimalPlanet. These animals aren't dangerous! They can be your most trusty sidekick in times of need.
10. You only need to look HAWT and a guy will marry you. Looks are everything!
Thanks Disney, for the impossible standards. Princess Jasmine's waist is probably the size of my thighs. Or half of my thighs.
Though Disney did teach us some pretty awesome lessons, but clearly they set an impossible standard for beauty and love, leaving a generation of very delusional or jaded people. Yes, and last but not least....the saddest (yet most true) thing that Disney also said, was that the ugly guy never gets the girl.
I feel you Bro.
Text By: Girlsdaily SG