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Here's 5 Things You Need To Know About Dilraba Dilmurat, The Hottest Female Actress In China Now!

Here's 5 Things You Need To Know About Dilraba Dilmurat, The Hottest Female Actress In China Now!

Beauty Hot Topics Celebrity News
By elaine.kiew on 08 Aug 2018

Dilraba Dilmurat.... Wait.. How do you even pronounce that?


Dilraba Dilmurat (迪丽热巴) is one of the actresses that has risen up the ranks so quickly in China the past few years, appearing in countless dramas with super high ratings! Those who watched Eternal Love 三生三世十里桃花  or The King's Woman 秦时丽人明月心 would definitely recognise her.



Here's 5 things you might find interesting about her!

 1. She owes her good looks to her Uyghur ethnicity

LipstiqPhoto from Lipstiq

Uyghurs in China live primarily in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, the place where she was also born. Uyghurs are Turkic ethnic group, which explains why Dilraba has a western-ish look to her~


 2. Yang Mi is her boss!


In 2014, Yang Mi opened her own media agency and entertainment company known as Jiaxing Media/Jay Walk Studio. Dilraba is one of the artists signed to this company alongside top artists like Vengo Gao, Vin Zhang, Huang Meng Ying and more!


PinterestPhoto from Pinterest

Fun fact: All these artists have acted with one another in multiple hit dramas like Eternal Love and The King's Woman!

3. Just like most of us, Dilraba LOVES snacking!


Although she's obviously in good shape, she loves wafer and potato chips. Here's how she would ask her manager for more snacks, LOL!


Her assistant is also said to carry a secret stash of snacks with her wherever she goes too!

4. She loves dancing!


She said in an interview that if she did not become an actress, she would definitely have pursued dancing~

 5. Her fans are called 'Alice'

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In Mandarin, Alice is pronounced as 'Ai Li Si'.  To Dilraba, it is short for 'Ai di li re ba de fen si 爱迪丽热巴的粉丝'. Hence, the name Alice. How cute and meaningful :)

BanookPhoto from Banook

Have you watched any of Dilraba's dramas?

Give this article a thumbs up if you think Dilraba is a gem worth following! *heart eyes*

Text by: Girlstyle SG

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