5 Ways To Know If Bangs Will Look Good On You Or Not By Analysing Your Features
Always wanted bangs but never had the courage to head to the hairdresser's? We understand it can be daunting especially since bangs can drastically change your look.
If you are still contemplating, here's a comprehensive guide to help you analyse your features so that you can find out if having bangs will potentially look good on you or not.
Read on to find out more!
#1 Do you have a wide and high forehead?
Is your forehead wider than your chin area and do you find that it's too high at the same time? If yes, then having bangs might suit you more!
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Chinese actress Tiffany Tang has a wide and high forehead so she uses her bangs to make her face look more proportionate. Since the bangs cover the front and the sides of her forehead, it effectively brings attention to the other features on her face.
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Cheng Xiao, a member of South Korean-Chinese girl group Cosmic Girls, is also known for her bangs! It's quite rare to see her without her signature bangs, but that's because she looks so good with them down. In the comparison pictures above, you can see that having bangs that cover her forehead and the sides of her face instantly make her face look slimmer.
#2 What do your eyes look like?
Look at yourself in the mirror and think about the words you would use to describe your eyes. If "seductive", "mysterious", "mellow" or "tired" are some words you resonate with, then having bangs might suit you too.
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Japanese actress and model Nana Komatsu has a pair of beautiful brown eyes that look slightly lazy (in a good way) and mysterious. Without bangs, the focus is no longer on her best feature. But when looking at the image of her with her bangs down covering her forehead, her eyes are what we see at first glance.
If you have eyes similar to Nana Komatsu's, you can consider cutting bangs.
#3 Do you have high cheekbones?
Those with high cheekbones can have bangs too, but the style you go for will determine whether you look good in it or not!
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K-pop idol Hyuna has high and pronounced cheekbones and in the picture on the left, she sports airy bangs that are cut straight across her forehead. This style brings attention to her cheekbones straightaway and isn't very flattering.
A better style would be airy bangs with longer strands of hair covering the sides of her face like in the picture on the right. This gives the illusion of a slimmer face and a softer look.
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If you don't fancy having bangs on your forehead or obscuring your view, Chinese singer and actress Ju Jingyi's long side bangs style is the one to try. The long side bangs style uses the same theory of covering the sides of the face but is more elegant-looking and easier to maintain as you won't have to trim it as often.
#4 What is your face shape?
Face shape plays an important part is determining whether bangs will suit you or not! If you find that your face shape is wide and round, not having bangs might be better for you.
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Chinese actress and singer Zhou Jieqiong has a cute round face but because having bangs covers her forehead, it makes her face look even wider. Her face looks slimmer and sharper compared to the picture on the left when she doesn't have bangs.
For those with a round face shape, a deep side part without bangs will look more flattering on you!
#5 What is your nose shape?
If you find that the bridge of your nose is long, not having bangs might suit you more.
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Taiwanese actress and model Bea Hayden has a tall and long nose bridge, so having bangs that cover her entire forehead can overwhelm her face and her features. The theory behind not having bangs if you have a nose long shape is that by having your forehead free from hair, it will make your nose look more proportionate to the rest of your face.
If you have analysed your features and still really want bangs, we recommend going for thin airy bangs that are not cut too short.
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You can always sweep them to the sides if you don't like them or when you want to change up your look.
While you are here, check out this Japanese hair stylist's tips on getting the right bangs for your facial bone structure.
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Text by: GirlStyle SG