Wonder Woman Is A Real-Life Heroine! Gal Gadot Reached Out To Children Hospital To Shower Love & Give Moral Support~
Gal Gadot or better known for her role as Wonder Woman in DC universe's superhero film proves to be a true heroine in real life! She showed up in Inova Children's Hospital in her superhero suit, all ready to visit the children and share some special moments.
She is in Washington State to film a forthcoming sequel, "Wonder Woman 1984". According to Jamie Gentille, director of Child Life Services at Inova Children's Hospital, Gal Gadot reached out to them as she wanted to visit a Northern Virginia children's hospital during her filming nearby.
Despite being a superhero, we know she has completely succumbed to the cuteness of the children. Is this wonder woman's achilles heels? She played with them, hugged them and showed ample affections without holding back~
She's not only generous with her time but also in giving gifts and goodies for the children.
This is definitely a special day for everyone, including the staff and Wonder Woman herself...
We are looking forward catch Wonder Woman 1984 in the theatre.
Text By: Girlsdaily SG