Fancy Uploading Insta-Stories With This Instagram Handheld Console That Looks Like A Game Boy?
Joining the list of inventions that should actually be a real mass-produced product that we can buy, like the Louis Vuitton waffle maker, is the Instagram handheld console designed by 3D Artist Julien Rivoire.
Keep reading to find out more!
Remember the old school Nintendo Game Boy handheld console first launched in the 80's?
There's this particular model, the Game Boy Advance SP, that has a simple flip-open design and a few simple buttons.
Photo from Nintendo
3D artist Julien Rivoire seems to have taken inspiration from it for his Instagram hand console.
Instead of up, down, left, right buttons, the Instagram device has buttons for liking, sharing, saving and commenting with the exact same icon design as the Instagram app! ? Of course, the outer shell has the iconic Instagram logo and blended colours.
We can't help but want to know what it's like to scroll through Instagram and upload posts and stories using this Instagram handheld device. ?
Although it's just a 3D rendering, we can hope that someone will start mass producing it for us to buy!
While you're here, check out some hidden Instagram stickers and some creative ways to decorate your photos and Insta-stories using emojis!
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Text by: GirlStyle SG