Step-by-Step Makeup Guide To Make Your Single Eyelid Eyes Look Bigger Instantly
Always wishing that you were born with double eyelids or had bigger eyes? Fret not, single eyelid beauties, you can still create the illusion of bigger eyes without going for double eyelid surgery. Here’s how.
Photo from Pinterest
Read on to find out more!
#1 Draw a perfect winged eyeliner
Photo from @keeeenn via 小红书
If you have small eyes and single eyelids, widen your eyes by drawing a perfect double-winged eyeliner. Draw liner along your upper lash line, then make a small flick outward. Do the same for the bottom lash line, but make sure you don't apply liner any further in than the middle of your eye, otherwise, you'll give the appearance of smaller eyes. Apply a touch of highlighter near the inner corner of your eyes. This simple makeup trick will make your eyes look way bigger than what it is.
#2 Apply eyeshadow
Photo from @keeeenn via 小红书
Firstly, apply a neutral shade of eyeshadow slightly above the crease of your eyes. Next, apply a darker eyeshadow with a slight shimmer over the eyeshadow base and all over your lids. Add a darker eyeshadow just below the waterline of your eyes. Add a matte shade around the edges and nearer to the inner eyelid to give definition. Lastly, draw a perfect double-winged eyeliner. Ta-dah, you’ve just revamped your whole look. Now you will realise your eyes look instantly bigger. Otherwise, you can get inspired by these eyeshadow looks which will make your single eyelid eyes look bigger instantly.
Photo from @keeeenn via 小红书
Photo from @keeeenn via 小红书
While you're here, learn how to trim your brows at home and draw your brows according to your preferred style and face shape!
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Text by: GirlStyle SG