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New Must-Visit 2D Cafe In Taiwan Will Transport You To A Comic Book World

New Must-Visit 2D Cafe In Taiwan Will Transport You To A Comic Book World

By Wei Yin on 06 May 2020
Digital Editor
An INFP who enjoys watching sappy Korean dramas in her free time. Good food and cute dogs are all she needs.

Taiwan is home to many insta-worthy cafes such as the I'm Talato gelato shop, cafemumi which lets you toast bread yourself and Drunk Cafe.

A cool new cafe is opening in Taipei, Taiwan on 10 May and even though we can't travel now, it won't hurt to add this to our itinerary for future trips to Taiwan.

Read on to find out more!

2D Taiwan is a cafe that will instantly transport you to a comic book world the moment you step in with its black and white, and of course, 2D decorations.

The cafe takes on Japanese themes with many iconic and photo-worthy spots such as the subway, ramen store, convenience store and many more. You will never run out of places to take photos at in this quirky cafe.

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#吃貨艾波 #必收藏咖啡廳 昨天在動態裡分享的超可愛咖啡廳被問翻啦 別急~別急~我這就來搶先體驗分享給大家 全台首創的2D漫畫風咖啡廳 整家店都是由來自馬來西亞的畫家 以黑白元素手繪設計完成的漫畫世界 每個角落都好好拍 彷彿置身於漫畫中 實在太可愛啦 照片多到我選擇障礙? 之前去韓國旅遊本來超想去朝聖的 但剛好遇到店休~一直心心念念著 現在不用出國 在台灣就可以拍到啦 我真的是拍到手機沒電耶 大家來這裡手機記得充飽電啊 絕對讓你拍個不停! 這裡餐點是以咖啡、茶飲及甜點為主 選用的是100%台灣茶葉及台灣鮮乳 可以喝的放心無負擔?? 我這次點的是珍珠奶茶和檸檬塔 酸酸甜甜搭配的剛剛好❤️ . ?5/10 即將盛大開幕 趕快相約朋友、閨蜜們來發揮創意拍拍吧 (我偷偷告訴大家,老闆還是個帥哥喔,開幕來店內可能會遇到他唷!哈哈) ❣️拍照小提醒 別穿黑色跟白色的服裝 會太融入背景 建議可以穿亮色系的服裝喔 @2d.cafetw 台北市大安區師大路59巷10號 (捷運 #台電大樓站 ) ☎️02-23660250 . #艾波outfits : @check2checkc2c #2dcafe #2dtaiwan #2Dcafetw #漫畫風咖啡廳 #師大商圈 #台北打卡景點 #台北咖啡廳推薦 #台北下午茶推薦 #台電大樓站 #漫畫咖啡廳 #blackandwhite #2dtw #comic #comiccafe #cafe #dessert #teatime #cutefood #foodie #taipeifood #ootd #ootdfashion #跟著艾波拍到天涯海角

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- 還不拍爆這裡! 全手繪2D場景 整個咖啡廳都是藝術品啊~~~ 再來是他們的甜點 一點都不馬乎! ?鮮濃奶酪 $60 他們的奶酪我可以吃100個 奶味超濃郁~~~ 完全就是我喜歡的奶酪 口感入口即化 整個奶味在嘴巴裡散開 OMG 我真的一點都沒有誇張 如果你跟我一樣喜歡奶味很重的 一定要點! ?重乳酪蛋糕 $90 起司味非常濃郁 但不會濃到覺得吃多了會膩 口感很細緻 然後底下的碎餅乾也不會太厚或太濕 我的第二名 ?檸檬塔 $85 檸檬塔不會太酸 檸檬的香氣很新鮮 像是新鮮檸檬汁去做的 然後他們檸檬塔最不一樣的地方是 通常外面的檸檬塔整個都是檸檬慕斯 但他們的檸檬塔裡面有蛋糕體 我覺得蠻特別的 也很好吃 5/10盛大開幕‼️‼️ 好吃好玩又好拍 等你們自己去玩耍 ?2D cafe 台北市大安區師大路59巷10號 (仁愛眼鏡巷子進去) @2d.cafetw #대만#타이완#타이페이#타이페이여행#타이페이막집#타이페이카페#대만사람#대만여자#일상#카페스타그램#카페#팔로우#좋아요#台北景點#台北咖啡廳#師大#師大咖啡廳#2D咖啡#2Dcafe#200430

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There's even an adorable washing machine for you to enter and take photos in!

Taking pictures in washing machine of 2D Taiwan cafePhoto from @salllllllly96 via Instagram

Not only is the interior of the cafe perfectly designed at every corner to fit into the 2D theme, the exterior of the cafe is equally insta-worthy as it sticks to the theme.

Standing outside 2D Taiwan cafePhoto from @apolife77 via Instagram

Look at that cute vending machine! ?

The cafe also serves desserts, pastries and a variety of drinks ranging from coffee to bubble tea. Even the cutlery used fits the black and white theme.

They pride themselves on using 100% Taiwanese tea leaves, fresh milk and the best coffee beans - your tastebuds will be in for a treat at this cafe.

Pastries served at 2D Taiwan cafePhoto from @2d.cafetw via Instagram

Drinks served at 2D Taiwan cafePhoto from @salllllllly96 via Instagram

Desserts and drinks served at 2D Taiwan cafePhoto from @angel_wenwen via Instagram

?大安區師大路59巷10號 10645 Taipei, Taiwan (No. 10, Lane 59, Shida Road, Da'an District)
? FacebookInstagram

Make sure you visit this cafe the next time you travel to Taipei, Taiwan and snap lots of photos for the 'gram.

Share this post with a friend you want to go to this cafe with! 

Text by: GirlStyle SG

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