10 Time Management Hacks That Help You To Work Less & Play More!
Want to make the most of the 24 hours you get daily? This is for you. We have so much to do in both our work and personal lives but have so little time to make it all happen. But, why does it seem that some people can get the most out of every minute of the day? They are so productive because they mastered the key to time management.
Try these time management hacks. You’ll be amazed at how much more productive you become.
Scroll on and start by using these 10 amazing time management hacks!
#1 Create A To-Do-List
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When it comes to time management, the first step you need to take is finding out where your time goes. Do you spend too much time Internet surfing, reading email, Facebook posting, texting, or making personal calls? While this may sound burdensome, it’s more important than it appears because it:
- Lightens your mental load
- Reveals nonproductive activity
- Helps you get a picture of your current workload
The easiest way to keep track of your time is to download an app like Todoist, Wunderlist, or Any.do to track everything you do.
#2 Schedule Your Day
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Plan your entire day first thing in the morning. This includes everything from tasks like checking emails to hosting meetings to the travel time of your daily commute. Remember, the focus of time management is about changing your behaviours, not changing time.
#3 Prioritize & Focus
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Focus on one important task at a time and work on it. Let's say your top priority for the day is to complete a presentation. Then your top important task may be to complete a presentation. Get to work early, so you can get the presentation done before you read your emails. Prioritize your working day before you leave home in the morning. Your to-do-list may be endless. Choose your top five tasks for the day, prioritize them, and work on them in order of priority.
#4 Get Up Earlier
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Do you give in to the impulse to procrastinate? You're not alone. Wake up early and make your day longer. Start with setting up your alarm 15 minutes earlier than before and increase the time frame over time. You can use this additional time to exercise, meditate, prioritize, or even to pursue a hobby. Gradually you’ll increase your daily productivity and time management will never be a trouble.
#5 Exercise Often
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Sports help you handle everyday stressors. Researchers have shown that short and intense exercise sessions can be as beneficial as longer ones. Set some time aside for short workouts – at least every other day.
#6 Stop Multitasking
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Quality over quantity. Multitasking is wasteful and ineffective. It may sound counterproductive, but you'll achieve more if you single-task. This is because you'll give the task at hand your full attention. For example, allocate one hour in the morning to work on a task. After that, give yourself a break and work on the next priority.
#7 Avoid Perfection
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When everything must be perfect, can anything ever be good enough? Probably not. To become exceptional, you must fail repeatedly and learn from your mistakes. Look at every effort as an experiment – a valuable step on your journey, no matter what the outcome. Focus on your priorities, not the minute details of your work. Address the most important tasks on your to-do list and don’t sweat the small stuff.
#8 Pause & Take A Break
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Jumping immediately from one task or meeting to the next may seem like a good use of your time, but it has the opposite effect. Without a break, it is more difficult to stay focused and motivated. Taking "pauses" not only boosts productivity, it decreases stress. You can use the time to clear your mind and recharge by going for a walk, meditating, or just daydreaming.
#9 Set Deadlines For Everything
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Giving deadlines to yourself is a tried and true way to keep you on track. Without a deadline, you may be more inclined to procrastinate on said task. For instance, reading and answering email can consume your whole day if you let it. Instead, set a limit of one hour a day for this task and stick to it.
#10 Review Your Day
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What did you miss out on? Determine the reasoning behind it so that you won't make the same mistakes again. Don't obsess about checking off all the items on your to-do list. Enjoy every day with an appropriate work/life balance. Finishing an oversized workload today isn’t worth an unproductive, burnt-out day tomorrow. Also think about what went awesome and make a note of it. Ending your day on that high note will encourage you to do the same the next day.
Time management plays an important role in our day-to-day lives. Every minute is precious, don’t waste it doing something that isn’t adding any value to your life.
While we are at this topic, you might want check out how create your best morning routine during this Circuit Breaker and productivity to-do checklist.
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Text by: GirlStyle SG