7 Tips To Sleep Better At Night
Since circuit breaker measures were implemented in Singapore, most of us have to work from home. Many might find it a struggle to draw the line between work and home. Some might even neglect their mental well-being and tend to work until late at night and can't sleep well.
While you might not be able to control the factors that interfere with your sleep, you can adopt habits that encourage better sleep.
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#1 Set Your Body Clock
Photo from Pinterest
Go to sleep and wake up at roughly the same time every day, even on weekends or holidays. Try not to let these times differ too much. This routine will get your brain and body used to falling asleep and waking up at a fixed time every day.
#2 Pillow Matters
Photo from Pinterest
When was the last time you changed your pillow? If you’re sleeping on a worn-out pillow, scrunching and folding it up every night to get comfortable, that’s a red flag that it’s time to update. Even if your pillow isn’t old and deflated, it might not be the best choice for your comfort and support. Having a good sleeping posture is a key to sleeping soundly, and to waking without pain and stiffness. Your pillow helps to support a healthy sleep posture.
Photo from Sealy Singapore
Time to look for a new pillow? Check out Sealy's Heart Shape Latex Pillow! The Heart Shape Latex Pillow is designed to deliver extra support to the neck and shoulders throughout the night and have you sleeping like a baby. With this pillow, you don't have to worry about stiff neck and bad sleeping posture.
#3 Reserve Bed For Sleep and Intimacy Only
Photo from Pinterest
Don't use your bed as an office for answering phone calls and responding to emails. Also, avoid watching late-night TV there, as your mind may start associating your bedroom with activity rather than sleep. Your sleep environment matters.
#4 Keep Your Bedroom Comfortable
Photo from Pinterest
Ambience can affect your sleep quality too. Make sure your bedroom is as comfortable as possible. Try to dim the lights, 2 to 3 hours before bedtime as it helps to signal your brain to make melatonin, the hormone that brings on sleep.
Photo from L'Occitane
Spray some L'Occitane Relaxing Pillow Mist to create a relaxing atmosphere that sends you off to deep sleep and sweet dreams! This pillow mist is the #1 bestseller in Korea with 100% natural scent. You can use it on home linen, bed linen and pillows.
#5 Avoid Taking Naps During the Day
Photo from Pinterest
If you must take a nap, keep it within 30 minutes to 45 minutes. Try not to nap in the evening. Doing so may affect your sleep cycle.
#6 Pay Attention To What You Eat & Drink
Photo from Pinterest
Do not go to bed hungry or stuffed. Avoid big meals, alcohol, caffeine, heavy, spicy or sugary foods four to six hours before bedtime. And even though alcohol might make you feel sleepy, it can disrupt sleep later in the night. Likewise, caffeine in coffee, tea and chocolate, as well as spice and sugar, also stimulates the system and makes sleeping difficult. If you're hungry right before bed, eat a small healthy snack (such as an apple with a slice of cheese or a few whole-wheat crackers) to satisfy you until breakfast.
#7 Free Your Mind
Photo from Pinterest
Put aside any work, discussions or complicated decisions 2 to 3 hours before bed. It is time to switch off your mind and relax. If you’ve still got a lot on your mind, jot it down and let go for the night. Read about something calming, meditate, listen to quiet music, or take a warm bath. Avoid doing office work, housework, watch television or surf the internet as these activities will just stimulate your mind.
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Text by: GirlStyle SG