5 Simple Hacks To Get The Perfect Voluminous High Ponytail
If your hair looks flat when it's down, it probably looks limp and droopy when you tie it up in a ponytail too. Thankfully, there are a few easy ways you can get a more voluminous ponytail. ?♀️
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Keep reading to check them out!
#1 Tie two ponytails
Photo from beauty-zone
Tie up the top section of your hair to create a half ponytail. Then, tie the rest of your hair right under the base of your half ponytail. Make sure the hair on the top ponytail blends in well with the bottom ponytail. You can also use a bobby pin to secure hair to hide the bottom ponytail. This will create the illusion of thicker and longer hair!
#2 Use a hair clip
Photo from Pinterest
Photo from Pinterest
Place a hair clip inside the middle of your ponytail so it looks like your hair is much thicker than it is. The hair clip will also make your ponytail look more perky!
#3 Two ponytails + hair clip
Try both #1 & #2 at the same time to get an extra-voluminous ponytail! Section the top half your hair away and tie the bottom half in a ponytail with a hair clip inside like in #2. Then, let down the top section of hair and tie it to the bottom ponytail to form one ponytail. Then, add another clip.
For a sleek ponytail, you can also wrap a small section of your hair around your ponytail to hide the hair tie. While this might take more time, the results are totally worth it!
#4 Loop your ponytail
Photo from 不会飞翔的鱼 via Weibo
Tie a half ponytail and a second ponytail right under it. Loop the lower ponytail through the top one. This pushes the hair at a higher angle so your ponytail looks more voluminous.
#5 Use bobby pins
Photo from Pinterest
This is a simple trick that you can do in seconds! Simply place two bobby pins at the bottom of your ponytail and it will look more perky and voluminous.
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Text by: GirlStyle SG