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This Malaysian 23-Year-Old Mother Revealed The Truth About Her Stretch Marks After Giving Birth To 4 Kids And The World Is Shook

This Malaysian 23-Year-Old Mother Revealed The Truth About Her Stretch Marks After Giving Birth To 4 Kids And The World Is Shook

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By elaine.kiew on 29 Jun 2018

As much as we try to conceal, stretch marks are as real as we all are and some women experience the worst of it, after childbirth.

Doreen Ching, a 23-year-old mother of 4 kids (QUADRUPLETS) from Johor, Malaysia, uploaded a photo of her stretch marks after coming to terms with 'the truth' and the world is shook.

Doreen-Ching-stretch-marks-690212 copy

Dorren first shared the image of social media via a Facebook post after finally accepting that her stomach would never return to how it looked before she gave birth.

"The first thing I did after leaving the delivery room was to look at my stomach and cry."

The photo shows deep stretch marks on Doreen's stomach and has received more than 12,000 shares and 23,000 likes.

*'Explicit' Content Ahead. View At Your Own Risk!*







生了四胞胎的肚子???????? 我收到很多妈咪的询问 询问我怎样消除妊辰纹这回事 我只能说我的肚子 照片你看不出 但是你近看你会吓死....这就是代价 就算你有钱也没办法消除的痕迹 这样跟就是一辈子 天天就是看着 天天就是摸着 怀孕的时候 身边都人都安慰我说 生了过后会浅的 我心想我才21岁那个肚子永远都这样我该怎样好?结果我出产房的第一件事 就是看着自己的肚子 眼泪直接就要标出来 我的是裂到很严重的那种裂 几乎皮肤组织都是损坏的 我想过镭射 但是镭射根本都不会起任何的作用 天天看着 天天纠结着 对一个很美的我 到今天还是一直没办法去接受 都生了两年多了 干嘛都是一样 就是满满的自卑感 我觉得全世界最不好做的就是妈妈这个职业了 到底是为了什么要那么辛苦怀孕? 到底是为了什么要那么辛苦生孩子? 为什么这种苦都要女人受啊? 为什么生孩子不要是男人? Toh Yang Ming 你还我肚子??? #quadruplets

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In her emotional post, the Malaysian said 'no amount of surgery or money' would be able to fix her stomach. She also tagged her husband Toh Yang Ming and said: "Give me back my stomach!"

Her photo was captioned in Mandarin and has garnered an outpour of support from Chinese speakers in Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan.

Though there were many who called her 'brave' and 'beautiful', many also told her she looked "ugly and disgusting" and they they "wanted to vomit".

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In a follow-up post, Doreen shared: "Some men said it was all the women's fault for wanting to have so many kids. Please respect the women of this world, such as your mother and your wife, who manage childbirth and still work."

Doreen is now mum to two-year-old Jensen, Jayden, Jasper and Jazreel and here's their cute family photo~


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“My husband and I were expecting twins, it was a huge shock when I realised I was going to have quads. It's very difficult, but I have the help of my family members around me. Some people say a multiple birth means you get it all done at once but four children means four times the stress."


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Text by: Girlsdaily SG

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